LC-202: Unable to Connect on Cox Communications ISP

Update I was randomly able to get in. I’m not sure why though

Still can’t get in. People have been reporting this error on PS4 for about a year now. It would be nice if they fixed it. Time to go play Apex!

I’m having the same issue, it just keeps throwing LC-202. Cox, Arizona

Apex is working just fine

I did all of the normal troubleshooting

Cox in Arizona as well. This is a real bummer.

Don’t have too much in terms of updates however this is something that’s being looked into right now. If y’all have not done so already, we would still recommend contacting the ISP regarding the issue.

Update: I was able to suddenly log back in last night, nothing changed specifically under my control that fixed it.

I am also having the same problem on my PS4. I have Cox and I am located in Virginia. The LC-202 code has been appearing Everytime I have tried to log in since Thursday (was able to log in briefly Saturday morning for some reason but not since then). I’ve tried all of the recommended fixes to no avail. Also, I own the game for PC (but rarely play) and attempted to log on to that platform. An update is needed but it will not download. All other internet services are working fine. Please help, I miss my favorite game.

same here. there are three players in the house. cox in phoenix. nothing has changed for us as of recent.

Well, still no fix here. Day four now. This is ridiculous. I’ve contacted my ISP as suggested but it has literally done nothing. Seeing as this is a greater issue than just a localized area I hope Blizzard is working with Cox to resolve the issue. This is extremely frustrating for players. Several days with no update or fix.

Thanks for the reports, everyone! We are monitoring the issue on our end and currently no updates available yet, but we will continue to update this thread when we have more available.

There has been multiple reports with specifically Cox communications across different states. For the moment, please reach out to the Internet provider regarding the connection issues as well to help with tracking and communicating the issue :slight_smile:

To test, has any one tried a third party DNS service like Google DNS? If so, does this help or does the issue continue? This can be set under Settings > Net Settings.

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It’s hit or miss with me still. I last night I eventually got in then ran into the issue tonight. Swapped to Google DNS and it didn’t immediately seem to fix it. After a few minutes of trying I was able to get in again though.

Update: I’m in az I can now log on . I seen a cox driver in parking lot of apartments this morning not sure if anything was done but I can play after a solid 4 days of error lc 202 . Blizzard what’s the deal ?

This is gonna sound odd but this problem only arises when i play with my internet settings set to Lan Cable, but when i switch to my wifi it lets me in everytime.

Update, i randomly got in after a couple attempts

Howdy Everyone!

It appears this issue might be fixed up. If you are still having issue or if things are good to go please let us know.

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i also have cox but i have been having the issue for over a week now almost 2. when i get on overwatch and search for a game i get kicked to the main menu and eventually get the message " failed to connect to game server". was finally able to connect long enought to press (SHIFT+CTRL+N) and i saw that when i lagged out my Lat was rising rapidly into the thousands. am not having this issue with games from steam. also dont know if this helps or not but i am unable to download any blizzard games as the download speed JUST FOR BLIZZARD games slows down to 900 Kbps or less, mean while steam i can still get 14-15 Mbps.

Hey, P0R0! This is for console system LC-202 errors. It sounds like the problem is on a Windows system, which is a different issue than what we’ve been seeing here. Please start a new thread to keep this thread linear. Thanks for reporting!

My issues seemed fix then randomly tonight I am unable to log in and am getting the connection error again.

I am also getting this issue since Thursday and today.

Followed the trouble shoot and also checked with Cox about the connection.

PS4 shows the connection being good and I am able to play other games online except OW.

I posted on here when this was an originally an issue 2 weeks ago. The problem is back again tonight. I can play other blizzard games on other platforms, just not Overwatch on PS4. Using Cox in Las Vegas.

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