Latency issues since the start of season 13

Since the start of the new season 13, playing has been very frustrating. I’ve always had good connection and never got internet issues until now. All that’s happening only happens on Overwatch. Since the new season, my latency fluctuates in game between 48ms to 360ms with the fun sensation that a ghost took over my character’s movement. My abilities shows the action when I click on them, but back lag half a second after. I tried unplugging and plugging back my internet, I have an ethernet cable, I keep doing speedtests (100 download, 25 upload). I’m pretty sure it isn’t my connection and if it, in fact, isn’t then I hope it gets fixed eventually. Oh, I’m in Canada if that helps.


It’s been a problem for a long time now, don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon. What we can do about it is keep the discussion alive by making the topic visible in these forums. This is only possible if everyone who experienced the same problem participated in the discussion for here:

Continuing the discussion from Latency issues since the start of season 13:

Same thing here , i thought it was just me. Cannot play the game it lags me out, since the start of season 13. Blizzard please fix this! Usually happens at 1-2pm eastern time . It’s fine in the night but in the middle of the day the game is unplayable. This has never happened to me, until season 13. I thought it was my connection but everything looks fine on my end , even bought an Ethernet cable but it seems like it’s just your guys server. So can we please fix this ?

just responding. so the ow devs can see this is an on-going issue and needs to be fixed asap

I’ve been having the same issues. Pretty tired of it… :sleepy:

Im having the same issue, has been since 6v6 has come out. Just logs me out mid game.

Same problem here. Sometimes I have these moments, where the game basically freezes, characters glitch through the ground and walls and then a second later, the game catches up and all the characters are somewhere else. I can’t do anything while it’s “frozen” and basically die to every glitch, which is happening a lot more these days. Others don’t seem to have the same problems and it’s not the consoles’ fault or my internet connection since I have better download and upload speeds than my team mates. I don’t know what to do at this point.

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