disclaimer: ive read up on the ping / latency update.
before this though id get 29-30ms. then about 2wks before brigitte my ping jumped to a solid 50 without warning and no changes on my end. i went nuts powercycling my equipment, reseting my modem, redoing and eventually killing my qos. nothing on this end changed.
now after brigitte im lucky if my latency hangs around 68.
my game has suffered. im dying around corners and my shots arent registering. its not consistent but enough to know that w/e blizzard did two weeks before brigitte has worsened my experience.
There was a ping / latency update?
I guess that’s why my ping has gone from 14 to 30+…
Mine used to average 39ms and now I’m averaging 80ms. I don’t know if it’s my internet or the game but I hear a lot of people have issues too. It also started two weeks ago for me.
I honestly don’t know if it’s just a change in the way they calculate your average or if it’s actually your ping changing. Would like some confirmation
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Latency will be higher then ping but it’s because it’s a different value not just a rename, you can read about it here
Overall it’s actually more responsive, because it gets results every 3 seconds instead of every 15 like ping did as explained in that post.
People think it’s just a rename but it wasn’t, it was a change in how it’s calculated and Blizzard said it’s normal for it to go up around 20 compared to the old ping, nothing changed networkwise just it’s displaying a different value calculated differently to the old ping.
before the change my ping shot up 20ms. i feel theres still something wrong and my latency (new value) should be lower.
The internet works like roads do irl, your connection is routed differently depending on the game/site etc and yours is different to someone else’s.
Your connection goes through several ‘hops’ before it reaches Blizzard’s servers, if one of these backend hops has an issue your ping could go up. But that’s between your ISP and Blizzard run by backend providers not Blizzard.
Your best bet is to head to the tech support forums with your issue and post a traceroute/winMTR, although honestly 20-30 latency difference makes an almost unnoticeable change until it’s 150+ and I think you may be imagining things.