Kirkiko ALREADY shows the problem with hero locks

thats… not remotely the same. youre joking right?

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everybody expect heroes to no be locked. whats next? lock reloads at level 10, cooldown boosts consumables?

Always play mei into Ana, and trust me I play her often, works well vs Ana. The OP doesn’t play the game and quoting their favorite streamer.

i guess it dont make you intangible, you can still be graved… but you get a invulnerability for a second or two… so ir can counter ths too.

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i thought this post was gonna be some hyperbolic lambasting of a company in the business of making a profit being demonized for trying to make a profit
but yeah
if i get a friend into the game a year from now and they like support, and then ask me “hey that purple status thing seems really pesky, is there a support with some kind of cleanse to help combat that?” and I hit em with “yeah it’s only the fox girl and you gotta grind to unlock her”
there’s a good chance they’re gonna just respond with “but why? they locked a hero with a unique utility to the support role behind a grind?”
“yep. see you in 10-25 hours of gameplay haha”
“so in order to get a vital ability with game swinging potential, i have to grind it out?”
“im going back to valorant/apex, sorry man”
is pretty much how that would probably shake out

this is a bad system, and a bad idea overall
core team gameplay shouldn’t be locked behind any form of paywall or grinding
this is supposed to be a competitive game, and the entire idea is antithetical to that premise


I definitely dont fault blizzard for wanting to make a profit. But to be frank, they have a wonderful team of artists who could easily make battle pass bank on their skins alone. The heroes being in the pass is just overkill imo.


Eskay says 20-25 seconds when they played as her.

the reason i never found a problem with lootboxes is because, at least functionally in a game, a level 1 account wasnt different to a lv2.7k account, the higher level account would just have more cosmetics
their toolkit wasn’t diminished from being a new account, everyone had the same access to the same tools relative to their role
now, as time rolls on, i feel like the chances down the road for asking for like ‘hey can we get a fox girl to deal with jq ulti and ana nade’ will be met with something akin to both supports responding ‘haha sorry i don’t have her unlocked yet!’
which isn’t good, and feels pretty bad


They said hero… Zarya is a villain.

Bruh. Go to their youtube

Agreed. The only thing that makes me ok-ish with going free-to-play is that after two seasons of weekly challenges essentially I’ll get every hero instantly from then on.

So for me I get Kiriko instantly and grind once for the second hero. That’s two seasons of weekly missions so I’ll have enough for one premium pass. At that point I just play casually to get the rest of the heroes free/instantly.

So people with self-control can get nearly every hero instantly, effectively meaning that (at least for them) money is only spent on cosmetics.

But heroes behind the pass is still predatory towards some consumers though. Some struggle with self control or simply dont know enough. And the amount of free content (even if I pay) is significantly less than in OW1.

I 100% understand why people dont want to give them money.

Lol what? She looks pretty easy to play. Her ult requires no aim or anything, you just press and immediately get huge buffs for everyone. I’m pretty sure her healing is auto-aim tracking like brig packs… and she can teleport through walls and has a cleanse to fix ally mistakes…

You honestly shouldn’t have posted if you didn’t know what you were talking about.


Whipshot requires you to be correctly positioned, and hit it. And even so, it may not do much. It is really situational.

This new ability, by design, nullifies JQ’s ultimate. Both bleed and anti, gone with the use of an AoE of a highly mobile character.

i hate blizzard ngl.

It’s only a bad idea if the objective is to make a good game, that’s not what they want to do. This makes them more money, that’s the point.

To be fair, I would’ve preferred your initial understanding of things a thousand times over what we have now. Let the cosmetics stay locked, fine. But greeding out FOMO through heroes crosses the line in my book. I would’ve been much happier knowing that the game still, at least partially, upholds its value to have all gameplay content available to everyone.

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Zarya, Mei, Moira, Reaper, Tracer

Well, it’s normal for this game to be screwed over by teammates. May as well scream at your teammates to avoid being hit with antiheal.

Yes, it’s unreasonable to expect you average teammate to be able to avoid antiheal and resulting death…but it never stopped anyone from demanding it anyway.

And all of them are included in the base game, unlike kiriko.