Kiriko is the Posterchild of everything wrong with ow2

Maybe in gold buddy :rofl:
The gap in strength between a hero like kiriko and a hero like genji is laughable and comparing them is also laughable and I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t like genji.

I did notice this pattern, Lifeweaver also has a invincibility mechanic which is really annoying. Takes the control out of an entire team to put it in the hands of a single person. Enemy team about to kill your tank and finally apply pressure on you? Oh no worries, Lifeweaver or Kiriko gonna make them invincible for lil bit and they will get healed to full really fast.

Breaks the flow of the game.

If anything, she needs buffs. Sombra as well.

I vote for Kiriko to get a double jump.

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Rank Shaming makes you look so cool.

My point tho was genji has an bloated kit but he is far from op.

She makes Marie Sue look like an intern.

And my point is kiriko has a bloated kit and is overtuned :kissing_heart:

Tracer is the ow mary sue.

the only help kiriko needs is a push into an oncoming lane. Bap alone was divisive enough with lamp and the community was still fighting over it when they decided to put in ANOTHER immortality effect as if the glowing neon sign that was baptiste didnt warn them enough.

Beyond that, hyper DPS supports should be a rarity instead of being pumped out left and right. Bap for awhile after launch did more damage than soldier, Illari is a warcrime with a literal dps only ultimate, and Kiriko has such wide variance in her damage potential that shes either pointless or 2 shotting most of the roster. Zenyatta is the only permissible one because his healing isnt great and hes vulnerable when jumped unlike literally every other support in the game now between insane mobility or survivability with Illaris coachgun 2.0, bap immortality, kiriko tele and suzu, and ana nade basically guaranteeing a 1 for 1 when her team shows up at least.

Blizzard is designing themselves into a corner with these disgustingly high potential and very versatile heroes where if the games wants to be healthy those characters need reworks or else theyll be like old doomfist, perma stuck in a limbo of either uselessness or in the OP tier. These lobotomites are seriously more concerned on making super cool heroes that do everything to make people buy battlepasses than they are worried about the state those heroes leave the game in

Shh. Go do your homework, kid.

Nah, Mercy is the overwatch Mary Sue. Try criticizing her and see how you get crucified

:fire: :angel:
“I have the distinct feeling that I’m needed somewhere”