You forgot Torb:
He has a fluffy beard and sex appeal. Ruins the game by being too dang hot.
You forgot Torb:
He has a fluffy beard and sex appeal. Ruins the game by being too dang hot.
You can also add that she is the poster child of the micro transactions of this game. If seems whenever you blink, Blizz ii already selling a new Kiriko skin.
I never said they should get rid of her, just that she’s the biggest example of poor developmental decisions. From her lore to how annoying every part of her kit is purely conceptually
Her and Zen need a buff, Ana, Bap, Illari need nerfs.
no thanks, zen alone can have a buff tho
Nah that would be Sigma , LowskillJorn, and Illari. Kiriko is a high skill ceiling hero.
she’s just markertable, i think she already have more merch than any other hero.
I honestly stopped playing her when they nerfed her heal… I felt like I wasn’t doing anything for my team heal wise… or maybe i just suck with her… nah i do suck with her lol… but oh well work in progress
lol Sojourn is one of the highest skill heroes in any game. Kiriko’s ceiling is just a step above Moira’s but lower than Mercy’s and probably Brig’s. Kiriko only has one ability with any amount of skill expression, which is her primary. The rest of her kit is essentially on rails.
This is why Blizzard doesn’t take this place seriously at all, the forums and it’s anti-Kiriko sentiment is wild dude. You’d think the way people are describing her that she’s teleporting around the map every second while whipping the whole team and constantly denying their ults all while keeping her whole team alive.
Yeah I’ll admit that suzu is obnoxious but overall I think she actually needs some help.
I think she’s tons of fun. She can switch between assassin and heals if she’s good enough.
You must be bad if you think that. Must suck, to suck I guess.
Her winrate, among supports is dead last in grandmaster and she has struggled to get higher than bottom 3 for months. For me she’s a very situational pick to deal with teams that rely on status debuffs too heavily or situations in which I might need to support someone off in narnia on a regular basis (snipers on my team, Sombra on the other team).
If these things are not present Bap / Illari / Ana all feel like way better options to get value/impact.
Kiriko has abilities that players find irritating but there’s not a whole lot of evidence that she is effective on average or even at the tippy top.
I’m pretty sure he was regarded as useless on launch, no? And then they buffed him up a bunch to the point where he became meta for a while.
Well said brother, overbloated kit whilst not being hard to play, insane duel potentially, insane heals, Suzu and tp being ridiculous and a great team ult.
And some people think she’s balanced
Nobody plays her below plat ever.
Are you discribing genji?
Genji has a tp and a no button that makes you immortal and cleanses + heals you?
Genji can pump out insane heals and insane dps?
Genji has a great team ult?
Heres your sign buddy.