Kill the supports first

kill the supports first kill the supports first kill the supports first kill the supports first





I had a game earlier where we had Winston/DVA/mei/sombra/ana/mercy. Someone on our team shotcalling “we need to kill Zarya first! focus zarya!” over and over. Yea, kill the Zarya with 600hp, 2 strong single point healers, and our low damage? Riiiiight.


Noooo dont we never did anything to you were just healing


I’m innocent, I swear!


Nah supports are your friend. Save the supports.


I mean, sometimes you just want to focus the enemy that’s made a misplay. Like a Zarya that’s not LOS of her Ana and blew bubble too early. I’m all for focusing the supports, but it’s not the best idea in every situation.


Well, the carry on enemy team should be your priority to kill, no matter who that is :slight_smile:


Unless you don’t have the means to actually finish them. The sum of our heros damage with EVERYONE on the same person unless mei and sombra were hitting nonstop headshots was probably equal to their healing. In that specific team comp you gotta kill a support first.

Did you actually win that game? LMAOO

Or feed from the tanks that are being healed for some gucci ult charge.

Btw it’s hard to get the supports without seperating yourself from the team, meaning you have to get into their backline without dying.

Your Ana could nade them.
Also, Zarya only has 400hp.

Wdym? I thought it was common sense to try to kill the full hp pocketed Rein first :thinking:



He was looking at me funny. Totally asking to get charged off the map.


We did in the end. I convinced the team to mute the guy making bad calls and the guy making bad calls got off main tank so target priority changed when we got a different Winston.

This actually works with spam comp… Junkrat/Hanzo + Zen spam & discord + damage boost = Rein disappears but otherwise yea.

Can you remind me what Zarya’s shift ability does?

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It’s great that people are learning to shotcall, but in some cases the calls are much more harmful than helpful. Of course, in other games the MT is calling for focus on an enemy who’s made a horrible mistake and no one believes in the call :upside_down_face:

Damage boosted Widow + Hanzo getting a pick on the main tank as they leave attackers spawn is a fun way to immediately break the enemies spirit. I played with a dps duo for a while that pulled that out every time we were on defense and it was brutal.

As a Support main, I agree. I never understand when Im on a team and everyone complains about enemy Mercy rezzing everyone, but nobody focuses her? Like obviously focus the Mercy first so she cant rez. Common sense.

Also blows my mind when I play Mercy and nobody ever comes after me lol. Not that i really want you to, buuuut it should just be basic strategy.



Kill the afk dps first?

got it

No need to kill the supports, blizzard is doing that for you in spades. :rofl:


laughs in Ana being the strongest hero in the game

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