Kill the supports first

I do hate the “Don’t let Mercy rez!” calls. It’s a fantastic call if you say it early enough, but in most ranks the call comes too late to reasonably prevent the rez. I think players see streamers use that call and don’t understand that those GMs they were watching were aware that a rez was likely, know where the enemy Mercy is and are saving cooldowns. The gold dps on your team don’t even know where she is most of the time.


but my friend is the support T_–_T

want a fun story of the day before yesterday?
enemy rein chasing me around the map, trying to pin me, solo shatters me and i’m moira
i return from defenders’ spawn and their rein is on highground looking for a stealthy shatter, but sees me and his priorities change from winning the fight with a good move to trying to pin me and move much deeper in our backline announcing his presence there loudly XD