Kids Bedroom Map

I got this idea from reading this thread:

Back in the day I used to play an obscure FPS game called “Counterstrike”. Anyway, it had custom maps, some of which were designed as a giant kids room. Like, you were the size of the toys from Toy Story and had to play around over sized objects.

I remember if you went under the kids bed there were Xena magazines.

Anyway, I think this would be a fun thing to do with Overwatch and suit hero skins like Lego Bastion. Blizz could even use their connections with Lego to have some Lego structures built in the middle of the room for players to play around.

Maybe model it off of Dvas room or Efi?


look personally i hated those types of map in every game



I think it would require a skilled designer to not just make a big empty room. You’d need clutter, like a messy room but with high points like tables and such.

If you love that kind of things than you can play a game called it takes two, it needs 2 players tho.

A map like this would be hilarious and fun. Imagine if the stray legos actually caused damage when you stepped on them.


I would honestly love maps like this along with more open maps too. We need variety that brings out different heroes skill sets

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:neutral_face: you’re breaking my hear, you’re going down a path I can’t follow.

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A nice seasonal or arcade map would be cool. Like an Xmas map where toys are fighting over a payload of cookies around a decorated tree and fireplace. Could have a toy train set up as a hazard. Respawn could be from open presents scattered about the room, or a mouse hole in the wall. If not Xmas, then just a normal toy room map.

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