Keyboard & Mouse is Plaguing Console

I just gave you a blizzard statement. What did I make up?

I mean, you could also ask yourself why they don’t just flick the switch and allow native KBM for the game. It’s literally just an option when making the game.

They didn’t, because they know it isn’t a level playing field if they do.


This is actually a strawman, as with both XBox and PS4 there are multiple versions of the consol, and you can have different TVs or monitors hooked up too. You are stretching, as these are standard practice options for both versions of the game. Purchasing a different controller is also not an argument, as the item being used is an adapter something that has no purpose other than to mitigate the inbuilt KBM detection.

Because Blizzard is directly addressing software that is interacting with OW itself.

At no point does KBM converters do anything to OW. KBM converters only talks to the console. It doesn’t change, alter, affect, or even look at the OW software in any way.

They specifically said “Software”

I’m fully on board with games split on controller and KBM. They may be hesitant though because if they loose enough player base in one group how long does matchmaking take?

As far as aim assist it drives me nuts. Always has been my bane with any game that has it. I’ve experimented in OW but it never really turns off. Like many games before it.

You are confusing the post, and categories about software, with the cheating clause. Read this fully:

Then come back and talk about whether cheating is specifically software related, using a quote from the EULA.

By not turning native KBM on, it is against the EULA to use anything to “trick” the game. Your argument is is the same as using a pixel aimbot, which “only talks to your mouse” and not the game.

Again, KBM converters are not tricking “the game.”

KBM converters talks to the console, not OW. I can use a DDR dance pad or rock band guitars to play console OW because console is accepting those inputs, not OW.

Yes they are. The game thinks you have a game controller, not a keyboard and mouse. The game is tricked. Tricked by an adapter.

If Blizzard could 100% without fail detect the adapter tomorrow, while I doubt they would ban anyone they would completely disable it as an input option.

I am starting to wonder though, are you ESL/EFL/ESOL/EAL?

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The game thinks it’s a controller signal because it is a controller signal being sent from the console. Controllers do not directly talk to OW or any software, both in console and computer gaming.

The reason Blizzard cannot detect and act on KBM converters is because this is a console level issue. This is also why KBM converter users are still limited to the same input rate as controller users, because it’s still a controller signal.

Are you?

This is an impossible argument. It just can’t be followed.

You seem to believe something that even in your mind is the razor’s edge of being ok.

You also think police would say “avoid” instead of putting up barriers and using clearer words like “police exclusion zone” because you need the words to somehow reach your required definition. A definition and scenario that is impossible.

There is no rationality here.

When I see the police say “avoid” an area, I don’t need to see physical barriers to know not to enter the area.

It is you who seem to need step-by-step direction with pictures and physical walls to get the idea. Blizzard said “avoid doing a thing” and you’re arguing “no see what they mean is I can still keep doing the thing because they didn’t specifically use the word “don’t” and when I type “KBM” the report button doesn’t get greyed out.”

Police literally say “avoid walking alone at night in a dangerous neighborhood” yet it isn’t illegal to do so. You seem have a limited grasp on the English language. No logic to be found.

I’m one of those goofballs that reads EULAs fairly often - only once, I’m not going to do the revisions. One thing I think you’re missing is that this is the “U” in EULA. It is something YOU(User) are agreeing to.

Blizzard didn’t agree to promise you much of anything, I’m guessing. It has been made obvious they don’t care about this particular issue. That other people are violating the EULA is irrelevant to the EULA you agreed to. They didn’t sign anything towards you - just Blizzard. This isn’t a legal system. This isn’t a collection of rules, other than what YOU agreed to THEM.

I agree that KB+M is pretty garbage on consoles - my horror stories are from Counter-Strike:GO on the PS3. Someone with an AWP(Much like Widow) could clean house. Completely garbage and completely unfair competitively. It could suck the fun out of the game.

Still, it seems like you’re getting mired in the BODY of EULA while completely ignoring everything that EULAs are, have been for the 2 decades I’ve been agreeing to them, and will likely continue to be for decades more.

Another thing worth considering is potential customers with dexterial disabilities - I’m sure there are some people who have an easier time playing the game on keyboards than controllers and vice versa. Accessibility is going to be Activision’s - and Blizz’s before them - priority over competitive ballance. I think it has been a big part of their business model in the 20 years I’ve patroned them and I doubt that has changed now that video games are bigger and more broadly popular than ever.

I’m with you in spirit, emotion and desire for competitive balance(why I clicked on this thread) but this argument you are making is unrelated to any promises Blizzard made towards you and your fellow users.

EULAs are often one sided agreements, likely written by skilled lawyers in such a way that you agreed to numerous conditions while promised very little to abso nothing in return.

Blizzard has made a more direct and concrete statement to tell people to “avoid” reporting converters than to tell people to not use converter, or that converters are a punishable offense.

Resorting to repeated ad hominem also makes your argument weaker.

I only grabbed it because of the recent use in the visor threads. It was the easiest thing at hand, of which there are others.

Moo seems out of shape on saying KBM adapters are not cheating, which means they use one to be at a higher rank than they deserve and know it. Now once called out they will deny it.

In a competitive setting injuries and similar do not gain sympathy to place higher. There are controllers designed for one hand etc, but they do not require an adapter. Side note, a paraOWL would be cool.

It’s not cheating anymore than 144/240 hz monitors, faster internet, and better graphics settings.

I’m here because I’m against all false reporting, which is what the OP is doing. I don’t play on console and I don’t have a console that OW supports. If thinking I’m lying to not get “called out” makes you feel better then have at it. It doesn’t make your misinterpretation of Blizzard’s statements anymore correct.

I didn’t know those required additional adapters to trick the machine into seeing them as monitors etc.

If true then you have no place in this discussion. It’s like playing against aimbot.

If false, then…

I’m guessing there isn’t much written that would back you up here - be that right or wrong isn’t really what I’m talking about.

Yeah, I read that defense - while what he says about emulation and the sensitivity equivalent is true I don’t think that is the only advantages to M+Kb. The potential mouse pad area I can use is much larger than the stick on a controller. He was completly ignoring the scale of control a mouse can afford you. Like I said I agree with your desired outcome.

That being said, in 2012 Oscar Pistorious competed in the Summer Olympics with his space-aged-polymer super spring legs. I didn’t agree with that as being fair, but we are really in a “dealer’s choice” scenario here.

Similarly, Casey Martin successfully sued the PGA for the right to use a golf cart during tour events in 2001, citing the Americans with Disabilities Act. I didn’t have much of a problem with that one as tour pros don’t even need to carry their own clubs as is, but I digress.

In defense of your position, team sports oft don’t have these exceptions - but it always is going to err for the desires of the organizers over desires of competitive balance. The PGA is pro-golf and Blizz/OW is pro OW. The main sponsors are more tied to the “game” than say the NBA or NFL, likely due their respective sponsors and partners. Taylormade and Razer are the big time sponsors in their sports, for the NBA/NFL it is likely Sprite and All-State.

Agreed that a paraOWL would be a neat and very inclusive event that could likely benefit both OW and para-gaming. And certainly agree with your premise, it surprises me not that people likely use KB+M to one up undergunned opponents.

My larger point on this is that maybe an impassioned, emotional argument about general enjoyment of this game might be more impactful than anything procedural or rule-related.

Your focus was this:

Blizzard did not “expressly authorize” any of the things I mentioned, and they all grant advantages over other players.

People don’t need to be personally affected by a cause to take interest. In this case though, false reporting of KBM users does indirectly affect me by taking up Blizzard’s resources, limited their ability to properly invest in actual punishable offenses.

And if you think converters are like aimbot, then you have no idea how converters work.

A piece of hardware that intercepts input from one device then changes that language to mimic another device is “tricking” the console into thinking it has a controller in this case.

It doesn’t change things if it tricks the console or the app. How is that even an argument?

At the end of the day Sony doesn’t set all the rules. They can say “we don’t care if you (the game Dev) want to have KBM support” and they can say “no” or say “here’s the drivers and how to access them”.

So I understand Sony has said to go ahead and done there side to supporting it. Final say at this point falls to the Dev. They do not have to allow their game the functionality because of how it impacts fair and balanced play. By these standards a mimic box to trick consoles into thinking it’s a controller should be a bannable thing.

The aim assist plus these devices amount to basically using aimbots in pc. Those are bannable on PC.

At the end of the day, it is an unfair advantage because console doesn’t support Keyboard and mouse and does not support it partly for this reason. Your right, about people purchasing the same product adapter to give them the same advantage, but the problem with that is the better product adapters are not only limited, but they are far over priced now because they are limited. They have different versions, but the leading version is far better than all the others. Basically, if you don’t have the leading version, you will have a disadvantage using the cheaper version adapters that are a little bit easier to find.

As far as your fighting game generalization. You are false about arcade sticks having an advantage. I was a professional fighting game player. Arcade sticks do not give an advantage to any fighting game except for the Tekken series due to a move called “The Korean back dash”. Even so, not any arcade stick helps with this advantage for the Tekken series. You have to purchase a specific Korean stick. The only real difference between a pad and a stick for all of the other fighting games, is a stick takes much more skill and time to master, but there is no real advantage from using a arcade stick over a pad in general. To be honest, there was some talk on a pad having a slight advantage over a stick on Street fighter 5 just for movement purposes because for 2 seasons in a row, pad players was dominating. That was one game though.

As far as your talk about special controllers. If your talking about a Scuff controller compared to a Stock controller, I agree. The advantage is extremely light though due to extra buttons that will help bunny hop while shooting, or drop prone shots easier, but that’s about it. If your good enough at the game using a stock controller, you wouldn’t even notice opponents using a Scuff, and it wouldn’t even aggravate you. Mind you, it is still very possible to do those things on a stock controller, it just takes skill. There is no better aim assist using a Scuff. Most shooters tone down bunny hop shooting and drop prone shots every year anyways. Atleast a Scuff controller is actually legal. Stock controllers are actually much more consistent and work better on console anyways. A controller like a Scuff feels foreign and reacts a little differently on console. It doesn’t feel or play as perfect as a stock controller. The Xbox one Elite controller is the only controller that plays just as perfect on its console as its stock controller.