Keyboard & Mouse is Plaguing Console

I am sorry to complain, but can anything be done other than reporting people basically every game?


Jeff said to not report KBM users. You’re filing false reports; false reporting is a bannable offense.


The issue is that there really is no way to detect whether someone is using a mouse and keyboard, so unless they’re saying “I’m using a mouse and keyboard” in chat, then there’s no way of knowing for sure, hence no way to really ban them. It’s kind of sleazy, but that’s people for you.

If your on a playstation its not against TOS the same thing happened in Fortnite. People play to get the best experience they can. Its kinda a low move to use KM on a console but by no means is it against any rules.

Don’t forget the endless amount of Smurfs in PS4.

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But unlike Fortnite for PS4, which supports keyboard and mouse, and separates people based upon their detected peripherals…

OVERWATCH doesn’t natively support k&m, meaning you have to use a third-party controller mapper/emulator to play with k&m on PS4.

Because Sony has officially licensed K&M hardware that can be used with games that natively support it, you don’t have to use a “workaround” to play with k&m on those titles. it is up to each specific developer to add K&M functionality to their game.

If blizzard did this, then they could just place players using keyboard and mouse on PC servers.

Unfortunately, blizzard does not care about the Console players. And I doubt that they would think it would be a profitable or worthy use of resources to add keyboard functionality at this point.

It’s the same reason why there isn’t a PTR for console… Not because they couldn’t do it, because there are numerous games that have test servers on console.

They wouldn’t do it because there’s no financial benefit to doing it at this point in the game is lifecycle, as it would cost time and money without the possibility of recoup.


mouse and keyboard really isn’t a issues in gold, just horrible teammates.

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I never understood why these console makers never made their own kb+m setup. I remember playing Sega Dreamcast with kb+m while playing Quake3.


Keyboard and mouse is very rare on console. You just seem very salty about the enemy widow that keeps on clicking your head

The xbox controllers have a max sensitivity in terms of how fast you can rotate view on consoles. The keyboard and mouse users have to mimic this, which means that they can not move faster than the controller either meaning…that’s not an actual keyboard and mouse user.

Flick shots are the dead giveaway that someone isn’t using a controller. It is one thing to move to the target in a quick fashion (understanding the limits of the emulation), but to then move back to center at the same speed is so obviously KBM. Just about every Widow at any rank is a KBM player with some Mccrees and Hanzos being suspect. About half of the games I play with my friends have us diving an uber protected Widow. Most of time we succeed, but it is becoming insanely annoying.

Not salty about getting killed because I report Widows on my team that happens to get a suspect POTG. It is almost to the point that I just don’t support Widow players any more than I have too, because the chance is so high that they are KBM.

A solution? With crossplay becoming the big topic, I would say combine Console/PC Overwatch and split them into Controller or KBM lanes of Ranked or Unranked play. Or at least for the time being, have a controller icon or keyboard icon to accompany player names. I would be far less mad about the issue if it was transparent and players were discouraged from acting as if they are a controller god.


The last thing I want is to play with 8 year old console players on a PC game.

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If the console is mouse and keyboard compatible then it’s all game.controllers suck anyways.

It’s more jittery and less “smooth”. Flicking is a lot harder with a joystick. Also, claiming to be using MKB could just be a joke. Or they could really be using one, and then say “no, I was just joking” afterwards.

Where is this stated? I know there is keyboard support but no where have I found mouse support on the console. Last time I tried looking I thought the add-in via 3rd party had warnings about being bannable by Sony.

They show the Hori Tac Key & mouse on the Sony website… So while it’s not first party hardware, it is licensed and promoted by Sony.

Not to mention games like Elder Scrolls, FF14, and Fortnite all are natively k&m compatible without emulation… So it exists.

i just don’t think M&B is a huge issue, especially with hitscans not being all that strong at the moment. Very rarely you see a widow that pops off.

Try not to sweat it too much. It is infuriating, but the players that do it are garbage gamers. K&M on console is cheating no matter how you look at it.


Its not really an unfair advantage when every player is capable of buying the accessory and playing with one themselves.

If you still think it is cheating would then anyone using any controller other then the stock console controller then also be considered cheating?

Is it considered cheating using an arcade fighting stick playing a fighting game on the console? This is a very similar situation as a player with an arcade controller has a perceived advantage over someone playing on a standard controller.
However not only is playing with a arcade controller not something that is considered cheating, it is also allowed during tournaments. These controllers are not cheap either,
and you have to get one if you want to take any fighting game seriously.

If it really bothers you that you can’t be competative against those who have chosen to use a more optimal control method then you also have the option to invest in that same type of control.


Based on this statement, what would you consider to be an unfair advantage?