Kephrii abuses the report system

Oh well I can’t read I guess, too much math homework does it sometimes…

Was anyone defending that? You monglet.
Just because he did that wrong doesn’t make everything he does and everything surrounding him ALSO wrong… and telling people they are wrong about it isn’t running defense for anything except the truth. Is the truth an unfaithful predator? Are you following how broken your logic is?

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Don’t worry, happens to me all the time

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Then maybe he shouldn’t have a platform considering all the wrong things he has done. But here he stands as one of the most viewed OW streamers. I sleep.

Uhuh sure, but what does that have to do with literally anything anyone is talking about?

I’ll give you a hint, it’s nothing.

Are you sure about that? I didn’t think his following was all that big, but ok.

It’s still an important thing to note. We’re generally talking about how this guy is really bad all around. Abusing report system, doing the things I just said etc. It’s not entirely irrelevant to the convo, chill out.

1k viewers on average is pretty good.

talking about kephrii abusing report system when your a smurf?

Think this is like the 3rd or 4th thread I’ve seen about kephrii doing this in the past couple months. So I don’t think it’s just OP being delusional.

Or people posting on their alt accounts with 0 posts.
Who really cares? Kephrii didn’t do nothing to me.

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We’re closing this topic. It edges perilously close to being a callout topic, and the allegations are not remotely true nor possible with how reports work in any case.