Keep the Mercy Changes

and yet we are here to talk about this specific change

not “any change”

this one

and imo, this one is quite bad

related aside 1: not every Mercy player is a one trick. Not even close.

related aside 2: not every one trick player plays Mercy. Not even close.

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Hot take(maybe not) but Rez, Suzu, Lamp, and Pull need to go.

Denial abilities are unfun to play against. Give them new abilities that fit their kit that are more fair to play against and fun to play as.

Mercy is my second most played support and I’d give up Res for a better ability IMMEDIATELY

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Yeah, I think it’s great too.

But don’t people, they don’t like fun.

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I would have been down if it brought the hero half health, that would have been more ideal. But this change, though, I love the GA change, the rez changes further stagger the teammate even more so.


So mercy “players” with zero understanding of tempo or gamestate can stagger even harder? No thanks just nuke her out of balance or remove her from comp is really the only solution to the parasite problem now. Why couldn’t they have made the charity skin for almost any other character man, game is cooked until their attention span forgets they have pink mercy

I’m happy with where mercy is now. I played the creator mode yesterday, and being rezzed is so bad and feels terrible!

I kept being rezzed right after teamfights were over, our over reaching out of place tank kept being rezzed when it would have been smarter to wait for him to respawn and actually do a good push instead of feeding the enemy team more ult charge before that push.

While playing mercy i didn’t do half the rezzes i usually would because there was no point, as they would not help at all anyway.
When 2 people die in the live mode, it’s worth it to rez one as you could still win.
When 2 people die in the creator mode, it’s better to just take the death taxi at that point and reset.

It felt terrible to doom the teammate into a stagger even when the rez was useful.

Boosting will always be engouraged as long as damage boosting is more valuable than triage healing. Regardless of if you can rez or not.


Idk if it was mentioned but if you use lamp on the rez’d ally at the end of the 10 seconds, they dont end up dying

I like it, I think the GA changes help to better enforce Triage healing as opposed to pocketing. The rezz changes are OK imo

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