Keep the Mercy Changes

If you are not up to snuff with how Mercy has been changed for the community patch, below are the changes…

**Guardian Angel
•Cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.

•Cast time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1 second.
•Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 18 seconds.
•Allies resurrected are now only temporarily alive for 10 seconds.

•Resets Resurrect cooldown.**

In my opinion, these changes are perfect at balancing Mercy’s rez, and I’ll tell you why. Mercy is a pocket support. There is nothing wrong in particular with that, but what makes her an especially volatile support is her use of rez. Why is rez so bad in the state that it is?

For one, it undos the damage that a team does to another, making it a waste of time dealing said damage. This is especially noticeable for a defending team with lots of stall since one enemy’s death can change the game, but a rezzing Mercy (who will do it from cover protected by her teammates) essentially turns the game into a 5v6.

For two, it encourages boosting (whether it works or doesn’t). Mercy’s base kit already encouraged that with the whole pocket-healer aesthetic, but the thing is when her ally dies, they’re dead. She’ll have to attach to someone else till her carry comes back. However, when rez is an ability, it ends up worsening the boosting situation. Mercy is now obligated to not only heal her target but rez them too. This can go two ways, the best way being that she is hard carried and is smart enough to land rezzes when appropriate and the worst way being that her pocket does little in damage or pics and Mercy isn’t healing her teammates.

Lasty for three, and this is for the one-tricks out there, does rez feel good to land? When you hit rez, do you feel accomplished when an ally comes back? Of course not. Rez feels slow and stiff. We mostly do it behind cover, and the only time we engage with Rez is when we’re popping Valk for the slight speed boost.

Why I think the changes to Mercy here are great are as follows:

  1. The reduction in cooldown and cast time makes it feel much better to land and viable in heat-of-the-moment situations. You’d probably rez more than usual, which is balanced by your rezzes being temporary.
  2. Boosting is not as encouraged as previously done because the rez won’t last forever. After the carry dies, she’ll need to help the rest of her team.
  3. It doesn’t negate a pick by the enemy team because the rez is temporary. While it sucks that it landed, your kill still counts.
  4. It creates interesting situations where players are frenzied after rez. They’ll die anyway, so the all-or-nothing mentality can really spice up a battle, especially when a dead teammate is spamming “My Ultimate Is Ready!”

This is merely my take as someone who played Mercy since Season 1. However, I hate playing as Mercy as I do against a Mercy. This change makes her more balanced, gives her more agency, and most importantly feels fun.

P.S. Can the one-tricks who will comment toxicity and flag this post focus on the potential of this Rez instead of the same old “Mercy is ruined for me, bleh”? You guys complained when rez became an ability. You guys complained when rez was given a cast time. You guys complained when superjump became a feature. How about accept change for once instead of calling anything that isn’t a flat-out buff “butchering”, yeah?

I’d rather not for the simple reason that I hate having temp Rez used on me.


Then you better make it count. :wink:

Yes ofcourse I do, what a ridiculous question


Not really. It doesn’t feel too good when an enemy gets a pick and I rez it behind cover. It’s tedious for both sides.

No it feels like I did exactly what I intended to do which is prevent the superior enemy hitscan from snowballing early. Why would I not feel satisfied that I picked an angelic support and brough a teammate back from death


idk, i’d rather have a new ability than a 10 second afterlife… It feels pointless and further staggers the team if you do a risky rez.
Maybe if they had a chance to stay alive, like securing a kill or doing a certain amount of damage…


For one, it’s your teammates’ fault for dying unless you weren’t healing to begin with.

For two, why would you not feel satisfied? I wouldn’t know how you are, but I know Rez feels slow, clunky, and pretty mediocre when done behind cover (which is where most rezzes land). It also enables the boosting thing I mentioned, which is either super successful or backfires.

You kinda agreed with me, though. The frenzy I mentioned means players will play riskier but also go into kamikaze mode for better words. If one teammate dies, he better take others with them.

I mean its his fault he took damage but I still heal him from behind a wall.

Thats how its balanced which adds a risk to it which gives you a sense of satisfaction when the risk you took paid off

Again its a very odd way of looking at it. The reason rez is loved by mercy players is specifically because its satisfying to pull off


Staggering a teammate like that in the patch can feel absolutely awful, as both the mercy and the res target that’s just going to die again.

If Blizz is genuinely going to look at reworking res, they will need to go back to the drawing board rather than stick with this dogpile of you know what a well known Mercy hater dumped on us.


Pretty much this. It just makes a problem now even worse than before.


Oh, God no. This rez mechanic feels awful to use and it feels awful to have it used on you. She’d be worse than she is now, and I for one would stop playing her entirely.


This could be said for just healing in general. “Why shoot the enemy if they hide behind a wall for 2 seconds and they’re back on full health?”

Gripping a teammate back from Narnia does not “essentially” make the game a 5v6

DPS passive made boosting more important than healing in most scenarios anyway- not rez itself

When my tank dies, and all 5 enemies ignore me to take on the other three teammates, and I swoop in - hit the rez - tank has an ULT - we follow up with a team kill - its very satisfying. It’s the enemies fault they ignored me. I’ll take advantage of that all-day-everyday

This is by far the worst “fix” for rez anyone has suggested

Good try though. Interesting take.


If there were an avenue for Mercy and/or her Rez target to “secure” the Rez I’d at least entertain it even though I’m not a fan of the spammable GA, but exactly as it is? Nah man, I’d probably just unbind Rez lol.

It sucks to be the target of 9 times out of 10, it’s entirely reliant on the player you pick accomplishing something in the 10 seconds given to make it worth anything versus current where I can get value regardless of how long it takes for the rezzed ally to do something, and final argument: I’ve rezzed more tanks in that patch than I have in live OW since they added a cast time, the most whined about Rez is often the easiest path to value with a 10sec limit on lifespan, especially if they lost their tank or their tank is low and killable.

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If rez is such a problem that it needs to be rendered pointless to use, I’d rather get a new ability altogether.
Give her an AOE burst heal or a cleanse…hell, I’d even take a dive ability…
(I hate when Cas or Soldier ult when I’ve JUST did a super jump and can’t stop my upward momentum lol)


No to OP
20 characters


Flashbacks to when they introduced Rez as an ability.

Because you can’t heal a dead enemy.

Here’s a better analogy, a 5v6 but the 6th player is afk till one players die.

I’m not talking about damage boosting. I’m talking about account boosting, which happens a lot with Mercy’s.

How often does this scenario happen? And what is your rank?

My original take for this was a cleanse that shoots out similar to Baptiste’s AoE heal… then Kiriko released. I just hate Rez all together and the Devs that keep listening to one tricks.

One-trick alert

I don’t play mercy anymore.
I already explain why they are so stupid and out of character changes on an other thread, so… NO !

Out of character?

I will not explain again. Do a search.