Keep the Mercy Changes

lol don’t bring stuff up if you wont elaborate…

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God no, I’d never want to be on Mercy’s team.


There are many times I’ve also done the trade - knowing there’s a high chance I’ll get the rez but have no way out and end up dying. This trades my (mercy’s) life for the tanks (or someone elses) and could provide winning value to the remaining fight. If there was only a 10second life that kind negates that kind of play.


I am strongly against these changes becoming standard


Dude, they gave Mercy invulnerability when she had mass Rez because they all did what you did, and it’s both extremely unfun and actually toxic when you realize Mercy is “strategically feeding” for better words. Hell, it’s one of the primary reasons why Rez became an ability which is rather… ironic for you.


I don’t like the 10 second thing, yes it can be used to make plays, but it also feels bad because there is no way to keep them alive. If they are going to do a temp thing, it needs to be another character that resurrects into like a, “zombie” state where the person gets extra health but can’t be healed or something. That way the person could at least stay alive longer from their own skill.

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This is arguably the worst change in the whole set.

Like if you want to nerf Res, fine, but make it something sensible like only coming back at a fraction of health instead of full, or nerf Mercy herself to 225hp so she’s extra vulnerable.

Temporary Res is just awful from so many angles.


Can the doomposters take notes from this comment? This person just gave an idea to better balance the ability rather than just complaining about how any change ever is bad.

1/10 maybe? Don’t keep track of that. I just know how satisfying it is down here in gold.

What version of Mercy was this? She had invulnerability WITH mass rez? And they did this because Mercy was dying while mass rezzing?

and it’s extremely unfun? Maybe when it doesn’t work.
Toxic? How?

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Figures. I’m diamond, and that specific scenario happens about 1/35. It’s a lot different when enemies can aim, let me tell you.

February 28, 2017 Patch

You are literally killing yourself to bring back a team you can no longer support because you’re dead. To be fair, it was worse during mass Rez due to telling your team to all die and you’ll pop up, but nevertheless.

“tho i no better :yum:!!!”
Lol put your nose down

Bruv mass rez was dumb. We in 2024 now. Trading a supp for a tank with an ult is a viable play to capture a point

So it happening less would make it LESS satisfying?


I don’t like the changes simply for the fact that rez is more frequent. As a normal ability this is awful. If it were an ult that would be different.

Buddy, rank kinda matters when conversing about Mercy, especially since Mercy having the lowest skill ceiling means you can’t really guage yourself how much better or worse the enemy team is, rather you’re dying more or less.

Is the tank incapable of ulting within the first 10 seconds?

Another productive comment. Thank you for your input.

I’m poking holes in your idea of what would make mercy better. I think it would be worse, taking away certain plays that I - someone who plays overwatch, regardless of rank - make frequently. This isn’t doomposting. You didn’t ask a question of what would make her better. You came here and starting telling us your opinion. Which then became

You telling us what our opinions are.

There was no “what do you think” but more

Please no.

The GA change is actually good; it makes her feel more fluid to play (although more slippery to play against which is never fun), but the Resurrect changes are obviously terrible.


I don’t think the new rez is gonna stop people from being boosted. Folks don’t like the pocket playstyle for Mercy, because she’s only following around a single DPS who gets free access to heals and a consistent, personal buff the entire match. Usually a Mercy player who only wants a free boost to high ranks is duo’d with that DPS every game, because she knows they’re good enough to stomp an entire lobby with her pocketing them (especially if they’re also a smurf).

This new rez idea emphasizes taking a bet on who within Mercy’s team is going to get the most use out of only being alive for the next 10 seconds. It’s another ability where its value depends on one teammate making the value, this time with a time limit. A boosted Mercy player would probably be more likely to burn her temp rezzes on her pocket at a higher frequency with these changes, because they are automatically the safest bet compared to everyone else. They already know the value their DPS duo can get in a short amount of time, so there’s still less thought involved in who they should put that resource into.

Personally, I don’t agree that pocketing should still be the primary way to play Mercy. That aspect of her kits design allows for boosting in a way that rez by itself doesn’t, even in its current state. Rez is it’s own problem that should be addressed when the rest of Mercy’s kit is pushed away from the pocket playstyle as a whole. But that’s just how I see things.


I made no statement whatsover that indicated that “any change ever is bad”

My opinion is that this specific set of changes is extremely bad


Your choosing to ignore that rez is a controversial ability just stinks of bias. Advocating for a change that makes it easier to land and on a lower cooldown is a level of unreasonable that boggles my mind.

I sneakily advocated for a change in my post but you chose to ignore it because all you saw was guy speak bad of mercy :zzz:

for years and years I have been an observer on the forums… (no I’m not suffering main protag syndrome shut up) I’ve seen things that I would laugh at things that I would agree with and things that I would disagree with. when I played the arcade mode got sent to the heavens and got brought back for 10 seconds I was in a frenzied state like you said and tbh it was the greatest change ANYONE could make to an ability it does not rob the enemy of the kill it does not feel cheap (because you are only alive for 10 seconds) and it gives you a second chance albeit temporary to get something done I’m not even a mercy main other mercies may disagree and you know what I understand but I think this is THE change revive needed not too oppressive not too weak but yeah and I think the other changes are great too tbh with you idk what it is but my respect for mercies has skyrocketed out of nowhere hell I might even get the new skin profit does not go to blizzard so… yeah time to fly

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Dude, I’m agreeing with you on the situation because every Mercy one-trick will raid this forum discussion like piranhas and talk about how any change to Mercy is bad because x, y, z.