Keep OW2 separate?✅

Looks like people overwhelmingly want OW1&OW2 to merge. Good

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I do not know whether or not this is the case but it is true that the game is now under new leadership and that things could change.

Certainly it may be a concern however let us not forget that they are already in the middle of developing overwatch for mobile as well as updating the other platforms which already causes split in development resources.

I agree that this approach might be worth considering.

Exactly why I would be interested in it.

I believe that they can do it well but at the same time it could be done poorly.

Personally I do this sentiment but I also understand the other side of the coin.

It is certainly correct and and they would still need to maintain the original game but at least it would not need to make updates to content.

Really they would just need to maintain the servers and Report system and anti-cheat measures.

Eventually I could see the game dying from a lack of updates but I believe there will always be a small dedicated community who will play it and I also believe that Blizzard should allow players to host their own servers and in this way the game will never die completely.

Wonder if Arcade will still support 12 players/6v6. I can already see arcade flooded with it if it does.

I have my doubts that a mobile version is being done by the same developers, more likely then not it’s handed to a different team.

As well as other systems, Overwatch is pretty notorious for having the same balance across all platforms even when console has specific issues that are generally ignored.

They wouldn’t have to touch balance but I don’t think that balance even requires that much development resources. Geoff Goodman was able to do the entire pro players patch in about a day.

Simply put, they won’t. Since OW1 and OW2 is going to be such different games, they will have to be balanced separately. Meaning they effectively have to have 2 teams to operate what is essentially 2 games.

And that won’t pay off. There’s simply not enough money in OW1 to keep it running alongside OW2.

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You might be right about that . I’m thinking they should handover more control to the community to be able to host their own servers and create custom maps and even Heroes and people could vote to have certain modes be put into Arcade.

Indeed, in fact I’ve advocated mod tools released for OW1 for a long time. I think in order to extend a game’s longivity outside of 2-3 years, you need the modding community on your side. It took them a long time to realise this, and only managed the workshop, but even that shows the importance of involving the community.

Skyrim should be a prime example of just how important modding really is for a game. Blizzard know this, they practically gave birth to the MOBA genra thanks to modding back in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Hopefully they understand just how important it is with community driven content in OW2. They need to add dedicated servers, map tools and modding tools so that people can play around with OW2 from a modding perspective.

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They are applying the CoD model to all their games.

If OW PvP and PvE are not separate applications in your BattleNet launcher I will be shocked.

Until they actually announce that they’re going back on the promise they made in 2019, I’ll be shocked if they are.

Well, they have already said they will be applying the CoD model. So time will tell.

Unfortunately, no balance changes would also mean players getting bored more rapidly and the game slowly starving to death.

You mean. You would get bored.

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No. I mean. People. Would get bored. Without. New stuff. To do.

So you would get bored.

There hasn’t been any new stuff for awhile. I am not friends with anyone who is bored of the game.

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Well we’re still getting balance updates aren’t we? :smile:

Nope, its simple psychology. If there’s nothing new to learn, people get bored. Balance patches arent just to make the game fairer (itself an impossible task) they’re also to give players new challenges to overcome.

Lacking new challenges, people get bored and go do something else.

Exactly. The game has changed multiple times in 2021 alone. They might be small changes, but they are enough to change bits of how you play the game.

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So you get bored? That is fine.

Try not to talk for everyone.

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That’s the point. Without balance changes, a lot of people would get bored.

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