Keep getting 'lost connection to game server' randomly

Which server are you playing on?

We just need someone in the company acknowledging the issue.

Chicago and Las Vegas in the U.S.

Been having similar problems here on the EU server (playing from Ireland). Been playing OW since v1 on and off for years without issue. Yet within the last month or so, OW keeps losing connection and takes down my PC’s connection to the internet too (I usually have discord and a browser running, and I can see everything just nope out). For me, it can be while I’m browsing the main menus, some times, it manages to last through one whole match before it goes down.

Usually an IPConfig release and renew gets me back online.

It’s weird as I play a variety of games, work remotely via Teradici, etc. and OW is the only application/game that does this for me.

I’ve been through the support circus and tried everything I can find in various forums. No joy at all.

Grasping at straws here, but can the GPU affect the network side of things? I think my 1080ti might be on the way out (I’m getting the odd crash in intensive games). Either that or the motherboard, but I don’t have another GPU on hand to test that particular theory…

exactly. What’s the point of keeping the option of submitting tickets when it doesn’t even work

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I had the same issue. You can try the solutions I’ve mentioned in another thread here: How I fixed random disconnections from server

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i frequently got disconnected from the game since pink mercy patch, so about 2 weeks now. any solution?

did you try the steps in Blizzard Support - Connection Troubleshooting (

yep still getting dc’d almost every game. i’ve been suspended 3-4 times for getting dc’d in qp

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You can try the solutions I’ve mentioned in another thread here: How I fixed random disconnections from server

your solution isnt working

Are you the only one getting disconnected in the match or is there someone else getting disconnected at the same time as you?

i havent tried changing server since im playing ow2 through steam, i already scanned my pc for virus and got nothing. any other solution that come in mind?

im getting disconnected with some other random players

BOTH, sometimes its me , sometimes its me and other, sometimes its the server closes

just got dc-ed in SG server 2x in a row in the same game, this is the 5th time its happening to me today.

PS : This happens every other day.



“I’m in SINGAPORE, PLAYING SG SERVER” … lol love that bro

If youre always getting disconnected with some other random players then its probably a server issue.

maybe try playing through launcher and try switching the server region.
Also, Ive edited my post, made it more clear and added some other methods you could try

how frequently do multiple people get disconnected from your matches? If it’s most of the times, then it may be a server issue