I am pretty sure we will see 2 heroes released from now till the March usual hero reveal based on what we been told in the past as hints.
But will we see a double hero released on March (thus 2 heroes on the ptr) 
We will see one new hero release sooner say Christmas day after Jeff sit by the fire event or later or sooner? (Thus 2 different ptrs with 2 new heroes),
(as I think March hero release happens no matter what.)
to review who it might be :Smile: Updated list for all candidates likely for hero 30 (Confirmed not to be Echo and might come out sooner then March.)
Edit: (Guess people think an early hero release is more possible)
2-3 months.
If nothing in 2-3 months, it’s business as usual.
You’re really expecting Blizzard to deliver? Especially with the Botched Holiday event?
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Their focus was never the holiday event, it was something else top secret.
They already said as much.
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It would be a welcome suprise, but I highly doubt after this dissapointing year.
We have gotten some welcoming stuff depending on who and when you ask this in last two months.
You still believe…
20 expectations are gonna be crushed.
Only 20… I was thinking at least 10,000. You got release how many people actually play this game. (Aka millions.)
Unless you mean something different.
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I’m down for a double release, unless they are both DPS. It sounds like they have a bunch of new heroes in the works, which is exciting!
Geoff hinted that 30 or 31 would be a healer.
Though I hoping for an actual Tank.
Fulfilling minimum 20 character requirement while making it relevant.
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How about they focus on stabilizing the heroes we already have instead of throwing more in to mix the pot. Resulting in more crying, nagging, nerfs, and buffs?
I’m waiting for a useful symmetra before they start increasing hero production.
That being said i’m not sure if there will be more then usual for heroes, i was thinking new game modes instead but one extra new hero could be a possibility.
But, you could have fulfilled the character requirement without having to reference the number 20…
Yeah, but it flows and emphasizes.
3 to 6 months is usually the window. They said the next Hero was already complete. For some reason I think it may be Bob as a tank. The two are seen as a duo and Bob when summoned acts as another normal character instead of built structure (despite acting exactly like Torb’s turret after the charge). It might be Blizzard’s form of an in-game hint to the next character.
btw, side note to some in this topic, did you know it costs nothing to be grateful for what you DO have and not focus on what you don’t have? Crazy notion, amirite? Maybe some of you should practice that. It’s super fun!
Though the only reason it’s suuuuuper fun is because you’re not actively trying to belittle what others do for you while simultaneously trying to make yourself/others miserable. :^)
You guys realize 30 heroes at this point of the game history, is a pretty low number for this type of game.
If we look at similar games that Blizz made like: Heroes of the Storm, they have over 80 heroes.
Rather early release. Its harder to test and practice 2 heroes at once.
A tank/support double release would be glorious!
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To be fair… ptr is more of a preview, not the real testing server.
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