đŸ‘« K, time to Ask the question: Double Hero Release or Early Hero Release

I blame OWL for this. If it wasn’t for the pro scene then we would have a lot more characters.

With the stealth buffs, she doesn’t seem that bad now. The beqm is much more reliable than before at any rate.

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And they likely had a lot of heroes on the back burner.

I think 4-6 heroes are currently on Dev’s actual testing server from what they told us.

(That’s quite a lot.)

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I wouldn’t want a double release. It’s cool and all, but ranked is going to be thrown into literal oceans of chaos if that happens. I’d prefer an early hero and then a normal one.

“blizzard never delivers!” is just simply wrong. They SAID there were not going to be new events and that this year would be relatively quiet with the focus being hero balance and other secret stuff. Now, that being said, if they dont deliver on their current promises i will take that back. Just want to point out that what they said would happen has and they werent being untrue. Now to answer your question, I think they will increase the hero release schedule to maybe 4 or 6 heros a year. probably not 2 at once though

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Heroes is actually almost full year older than Overwatch.

June 2, 2015 was heroe’s launch date.

May 24, 2016 was Overwatch’s.

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Still 30 vs 80 is a big difference.

Deleted the mess up.


Nah, i tested her out and i think it’s just a placebo effect, they did improve the animations a lot though so it feels smoother but it doesn’t really perform better.

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I’m not ruling that out as a possibility, though the hit box detection definitely seems larger. Can you elaborate I suppose on what makes you think it’s a placebo?

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When on a target the animation gives a better animation and grows thicker with each level, maybe the hit box is actually bigger but i’d have to test it out more.

I think it’s just that we never really noticed the hit box size before but because of the update and the difference in the animations we did by testing it out.

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meanwhike this was a topic about new heroes and not sym
 that’s over here guys. 🧞‍♀ Sym Tick rate been fixed, Video appears