Just won 27 in a row

They admitted that they were terrible at creating an even match-making system. Yes.

The game is dog#!$, I created a fresh account and won a ton of games ez… Now I get sweats. So I will just create or buy another account ay?

GG makes Comp Fun Again

Already worked for ATVI for 10 years in the past and I don’t.

Waiting to see if it gets better next patch.

And, if it doesn’t?

  • Then what?

That’s fine for you, but not for some players and maybe even the majority. So, have your fun while it lasts because if the majority of people are unhappy and things don’t change you’ll be stuck playing by yourself.

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You’d have more fun if the MM didn’t ruin half your games by putting some mismatched players in your or the other team. OW2s competitive sacrifices integrity, fairness and fun for “engagement”, queue times and money grabbing EVIL manipulation.

all this in a so called e-sport game competitive mode.

Just because you don’t care about something doesn’t mean the problems are there and.
And your games are fine because you’re either so low that everyone is better than you or so high that the matchmaking actually works as it should do in this game. The rest of us are getting a good game being ruined half the time by greed and evil.

So you started as an unknown… then the MMR put you with your own kind… Sounds like it works well .


I would have more fun if the match maker didn’t do something that it doesn’t do? Ok.

Actually, the match maker only struggles if you are at the extreme ends due to their being such low numbers of players. My lobbies are around plat/diamond. They are fine.

this has been confirmed by the devs. keep denying if you want.

It is. In the highest and lowest extremes, hence them moving back to role back matching. In the middle, makes no difference.

no they did not. re-read the article. You have interpreted it completely wrong. They are not looking for balanced matches, they are looking for 50% winrates. Those are two entirely different things. A balanced match would mean I have a 50% chance to win any given match, a 50% winrate means that I will win half and lose half. Those don’t result in the same outcome.

mom called, she said to clean your room.

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You know that is the sign matches are balanced right. If you have a 50/50 chance of winning and you are in the right rank… 50% will be your winrate.

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not if 50% of your matches are you steam rolling the other team and the other 50% is you getting steam rolled.

Steam rolls happen. That isn’t a matchmaker thing.

Perfectly balanced teams can end in a steam roll. Too many variables outside of the games influence that impact that.


Did you really win 27 games in row? Did you really?

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Lol, Stop believing your own DogS#! Blizzard even said so themselves that it’s not working the way it should.

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Steamrolls are now no longer the match maker fault? This is now the epitome of matchmaker responsibility denialism. It’s sole purpose is to create the match and it creates steamrolls … CONSTANTLY. Not once in a blue moon, constantly.

It’s either the matchmaker is fine with it’s stats tracking and needs improvements cause of steamrolls. OR it’s not good enough cause there’s too many variables it doesn’t track, intertoon synergies perhaps, human behaviors and so it’s not good cause it can’t really predict anything.

Either way the match maker needs improvement.

Had a game where the tank appeared to be doing fine, only 6 deaths but everyone else, including me, had like 10+ deaths. I only average 5 for 10 min avg. I realized the enemy went dive, and dove right by our tank, what’s worst is the tank wouldn’t peel and was constantly creating bubbles of space, pressing W when actually need to just turn around and try to damage the flankers to get them out.

Moral of the story, and what constantly remind me of - stats don’t really matter (unless your asking for VODs of games you lost and out performed everyone else, I guess they matter then… not). And guess what this engine is built on…. Stats.

There are some serious needs for better game analysis engine. 1) to help really find who is carrying or even causing a good distraction. 2) help players improve and maybe suggestion deeper meaningful strategies that can help someone progress.

Create the match. Yes.
After that, the result is the result of the actions of the 10 people in the lobby, not the match maker.

Sounds like copium for the devs not to take responsibility for a solid match.