Just won 27 in a row

its their system , it sucks but it is what it is until they get around to overhauling it ,

same as the rank dropping at season change , why? players have put time into getting the ranks they are at why does the system at new season drop everyones ranks ?

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nice video, so if itā€™s casual they should just remove competitive mode and just keep quick play with the competitive match making. There shouldnā€™t be any ranks, no top 500, not anything related to titles because itā€™s not accurate. The game isnā€™t meant for competitive play.

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Nah. Having a ladder is fine. You can still strive to improve and climb in a casual game.

The trick is to not be such a toxic, salty, whiny little kid when you lose. This is hard for some, but theyā€™ll learn eventually.

As he says, strive to be a better player. But not at the cost of your mental health. It isnā€™t worth it. Itā€™s just a video game.

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a ladder doesnā€™t make sense unless itā€™s accurate, because the reason to have one to begin with is to go up it. The frustration for players is the fact that the ladder is not accurate at all. Itā€™s not a competitive ladder at all and all it is fake nonsense.

Just take competitive out, because itā€™s clearly not a competitive game. Itā€™s a casual one.


Almost every game has casuals and tryhards/pros who take it more seriously. Competitive mode was designed for the latter group. Comp players want to know where they stand and compare to the skill of others to see where they belong.

But with things like the matchmaking and game balance being as awful as they are, it is very difficult to tell. You can play with several different skill levels within the same game, for example. I can tell that my skill is better than bronze (bottom 8%) and worse than GM (top 1%). But aside from that it is very ambiguous.

In chess, another game with a high volume of casual players, 90% of players near my elo are similar skill to me. Yet in overwatch, your rank could mean literally anything. And itā€™s not just because ow is a team game. Other team games have much better matchmaking and ranking systems than overwatch.


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself.

The reason for Comp is to see where you stand in a pool of players.

I watched a GM streamer play for a bit one day. He got into a plat/diamond lobby, and he was even asked what he was doing there since heā€™s a known streamer.

He couldnā€™t carry the game regardless if thatā€™s the advice you are given from GMs to rank. Okay, fine an off day.

As far as matchmaking goes, does that mean his MMR is really plat/diamond but his visual rank is GM or is matchmaking that broken?

Which is it, because regardless of which one it is thatā€™s bad.


So you stopped going afk mid match, shooting random things, and actually tried to play? Some of us have seen your gameplay, you could be plat/diamond if you didnā€™t troll so hard, thatā€™s true, at this point, consider your rank to be accurate based on how you play, I canā€™t even figure out why someone who claims ā€œBOTTOM 500 is where the game is at, best players ever.ā€

Or is this entire thread a troll post?

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I disagree. Itā€™s casual, but the ladder is fine. You can compete and have fun.

I play football (or soccer for those that believe thatā€™s the American term for it) in a league. It is a casual thing.

Take competitive out. Your league doesnā€™t hide your real ranking(MMR) as a team and give you a fake one instead to try and make you play more. If you couldnā€™t tell where your team stands then there wouldnā€™t be any point in the league.

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You canā€™t, they removed visible things that would of helped.

They want people to play more casually, so play more casually.

just remove comp because thereā€™s nothing competitive about it

So basically convince yourself that a half-a** game is ok and itā€™s ok for a product to take several steps back.



Or just chill out, play to have fun. If you can improve along the way great. But have fun.

Doesnā€™t matter if the game is perfect or terrible. I have fun playing. That is all that matter to me when I play a video game. Is it fun.

Getting worked up because the balance isnā€™t how you personally would like it is a complete waste of time, and not good for the old mind.

Thatā€™s good for you and I actually mean that, not as a snarky response.

However for someone like me and many others, Competitive is what makes Overwatch ā€œfunā€. Youā€™ll never catch me in QP, ever, nor any of the other misc side-games they have that Iā€™ve never hit play once on. Iā€™m the same way with Apex and other games, I never play ā€œnon-rankedā€, itā€™s not fun for me.

Overwatch ranked is a complete disaster which is a major reason the game is failing so badly. For those of you who donā€™t care about rank but for some reason still queue it, it doesnā€™t matter, the rest of us eventually move on to a game thatā€™s devs have their shiz together.

Thatā€™s why Overwatch hasnā€™t been successful in years, the original team is gone and their priorities arenā€™t the same.

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Then why play it?

Or why not join Blizzard and fix it yourself?

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the amount of copium you take must be staggering.

BTW, Blizzard admitted to rigging the winrates. so your made up reply is tired.


that is the dumbest response in probably history.

ā€œDonā€™t ask for anything to be better, just deal with it and cope.ā€

ā€œor why not go get a 4 year degree in game development and then 6 years from now, try to get a one-off job to fix a game that could have been fixed by the developers now, but work on it when it is a long forgotten relic of a terrible time in gaming history.ā€

Read what you type before typing.


You seem like a very intelligent individual indeed :clown_face:

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No they didnā€™t. They said they look for balanced matches.

The conspiracy theorists have gotten you!!! Noooo