Just Rework Widow Already

Yes let’s nerf all the heroes I think are unfun to die against.
You know how dumb that sounds.
Also why do people keep trying to punish people for having skill and aim.

to be fair that exact argument was used against mercy

Is not the same. A Widow headshot requires skill and aim. The people that complain about Widow don’t even play her and are probably bad at her, yet they complain like it’s easy to get value from her.
On the other hand Mercy 6 man Rez was fairly simple to do with players from low or high skill level. Hide and Rez, and you erased a hard fought team battle where multiple ultimates were used. Mercy hitting Q denied the more skilled teams winning fights they should have won.

Rework? That’s probably going to take them another year to do. You’re still going to have to deal with her for that long.

I’ll agree with you that a good Widow isn’t fun to play against. That is a given. But you’ll encounter more poor Widows than good. It just takes that one really good Widow to make you salty. Trust me, I’ve been there.

That being said - try picking her up. I used to rage so hard against Widows until I picked her up and learned how to play her. There’s definitely skill involved.

But I will agree that Widow is not fun to play against. They should change her slightly. I think changing her ult would be a good start. The “seeing through walls” thing is just toxic, IMO. No sniper should have that in a game, Hanzo included. If you’re going to have the power to one shot people you should do it based on your skill - not because you can see through walls and line up a shot.

So I think if they give her a different ult it would be a good start towards making her less frustrating to play against. But seriously, pick her up and play around with her.

Woah woah woah…hold the phone here.

Your mains are Bastion and Torb…and you’re complaing about someone being unfun to play against? ._.


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At least Bastion and Torb have to fight in a range where you can fight back. You think I’m gonna instalkill people all match with Bastion rockets from across the map? Maybe if it was hitscan.

Because people don’t want to try in this game. Hence the nerf Widow/Tracer/Genji posts.


Everyone’s pooping on op here but honestly he’s right about widow being unfun to play against. Idk about the balance of it, I don’t want widow mains to play an unfairly weak hero… but she’s super annoying to play against.

I love enemy widows. That means I get to apply my widow skills in a real match.


Widow is fine. You guys just have abnormally gigantic heads that maybe could be filled with good positioning ideas instead of air and will to live.

i’m not into snipers but I need to pick her in some maps and when there is a pharah. I pick widow and pharah just need to swap. almost 90% time.

Where the hell did all the nerf widow threads come from?

After Brig was released and make everyone a psuedotank.

Hopefully they’ll go away with the nerf to perma armor.

Ehhhhh, at pro level Goats is still to go strat.
So it won’t go away for at least a good 6 months or so.

But we customers paid for a game where we can kill outside forces instantly.

Non FPS players wanting to punish people that can aim and have gotten very skilled at certain heroes.

Widow punishes bad players and bad positioning in most ranks, she’s only an oppressive “godlike” force in pro games, and there they still deal with her.


Not knowing how to counter is unfun :clown_face: