Just remove the priority passes already

The system has been out for a month, so presumably this player has been mystically throwing for that long to get passes and is still in their rank

Very few are throwing, they simply don’t know how to play the role in question. and the lack on information on that players skill on such role causes them to be ranked closer to their main roles.

As such give it another month or so in either people will learn, or they will be balanced closer to their actual skill.

Yeah it’s really garbage. They really hecked up by giving tickets from losing

As i said, you can get games when your team litteraly carry you to win also, what give them more time.
Not saying everyone is throwing, or being bad on purpose. But again, you play lets say 5 games of flex, 3 tank 2 healers, they lose 3 of those games, win two so rank does not move on either that much, but still get a lot of passes to play dps.

Its not just throwing issue, as again system is bad and just put people who will dont know how to play role in wrong places. Up until ranks like high diamond games i dont think that is much to be done with this.

The same thing was going on when they added 222, and there was influx of reinhardts that charged solo in to other team spawn door on defence and die.

If only 60% of the tanks were “throwing” before the pass, maybe the % is gone up to 70% max, thats it.
Overall its not really noticeable, like not at all.

Came here to say this, and it’s frustrating.

I haven’t noticed anymore intentional throwing than there was before priority pass. The quality of tank and support does appear a bit more spotty. I personally think is just an indication that more people are playing those roles than before - which is very good for Overwatch long term.

Enemy ball throwing, trying to divert blame to his team:


The one saying he’s throwing was on my team, playing roadhog. He constantly rolled into hog hook, mccree stun & mei froze him.

Oh you think that’s new?

Nobody is throwing to get passes. There is literally zero incentive to throw. Someone who wants to spend as much time as possible playing DPS will play their best to win because getting 6 tickets is a substantial amount of DPS playtime compared to 2. Throwing 3 games takes a LOT more time than winning one.

People whine about made up stuff that doesn’t exist so much it’s hilarious.

Oh, really?

It’s kind of nuts how much aim varies in plat. You get anything from extremely good aim, like take off as a flying hero and you die aim, to potato grade.

The longer this priority pass is in the game the more throwers will lose SR. It’s getting to the point that it’s impossible for you to be playing with throwers constantly. You just have bad tanks like before but now you’ve found something else to blame.