Just remove the priority passes already

It’s impossible to play the game due to everyone basically throwing to get passes.


Everyone says “throwing” but in my qp diamond games noone does


Good for you. Meanwhile I constantly see people going frontline with ball and dying constantly, clearly they’re dps players signing flex to get passes.


Yeah I’ve had some stinkers, way more than usual. Tanks who have no idea how to do tank things and way more dps supports than I’ve been used to seeing. My match quality has definitely suffered.


You mean feeding like 90% of ball players already do?


I’ve had bad people on my team long before passes were a thing. Passes have done little to improve or worsen my games.


Neither in gold/low plat QP. Like I have had literally 1 Ball Player on the first day who seemed to be feeding on purpose to lose us an Oasis game (which we still won btw even if we had to go to round 3).

But other than that the overall Tank Strengh is the same as it has always been except for a few really good Off tanks I have noticed lately. Wouldn’t be surprised if those were actually high plat to low diamond or something like that.

They’re the same rank as you, so that should probably say a lot

Actualy that say nothing on its own. I can stay in plat as dps, have aim like potato and meet plat dps who actualy hit stuff. Its not hard to get put in wrong rank in this game, then stay in it by playing less. High chance you will get matches when you win mainly because of team carry you. Sad truth of my dps games in ranked, either being reason my team is worse, or being carried by teammates.

I uh

You want ball in the backline?

You sure that DPS isn’t only about aim? That’s much more reasonable

I mean, the only thing i could do as dps is stay back on payload in some games. I get countered by phara as soldier, mccree etc. it was “fun” times of me doing nothing productive.

I remember one game i done something, i picked mccree, for one job, stun hammond. I stunned him, he rolled away, but i did what they asked, i stunned ball, so no one really cared about me not doing much.

I mean, this was never uncommon in my low rank games lmao. I’m not really great at identifying throwers and generally assume someone is just bad unless it’s really obvious. Like, I’ve seen a lot more Zens in my games lately but I’ve assumed it’s just people trying to copy the GM meta (even though Zen/Mercy is a lot weaker in Gold)

And I’m a 3100-3200 DPS player who can play tracer in 4.2 scrims despite having the aiming ability of a sheep with Parkinson’s, aim isn’t everything

Yea, but whenever i showed my gameplay to anyone trying to teach me i could hear it all being bad, aim, positioning, wrong abilities use, panic ults alone.
I was put in plat mainly because of rank before 222 happened, when i played dps in rare occasions.

Coaches are meant to point out your mistakes, they’re not there to praise you for being plat

I dont say as they should praise me, but i just say, i dont play right for this rank at all. Im like silver dps.

Mei: “That’s cold!


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Right if you just don’t play DPS then what’s your point, presumably op does actually play their role so it’s kind of irrelevant no?

I just point out how people can be placed and play in roles they dont belong to with my example of dps ranked. So them being in same rank can mean nothing tbh.
They dont play as much to get kicked down after placing them there, just to get passes, and they play on support and tank not just one role, so they can be worse than rest of the team a lot of games because system placing people is as bad as matchmaker that put golds vs diamonds etc.