Just nerf Rein already before every other tank player quits

and in all the posts ive read im sensing not only rein hate but the hate towards teammates as well, that my dps suck and dont do anything, there are no heals and other scuffed feelings

You are so full of it.

Go ahead and prove anything you just said.

You can’t because it’s all opinion-mongering that ignores trends and facts.

Pick-rates and win-rates disagree with you quite heavily.

Rein wins games.

Even in GM, where the average win-rate approaches 52-54%, Mei has win-rate below 50%.

She’s not beating the rein/zarya comps. Rein/zarya is destroying double-barrier/mei.

do you even watch gm level play? double shield is hard meta unless your tanks have no idea how to play it and got carried by the season 18 meta or goats before that

rein zarya is countered by flanks, off-angles on snipers, high ground (coz zarya beam only reaches so far) and its not the tank’s fault if their team’s dps can follow up on calls and surprisingly have better positions than your team

if you see the gm streamers all of em say rein is fun because playing the hero feels rewarding when you land that ultimate and get a team wipe (which isnt possible anymore making rein kinda bad) and playing winston feels rewarding when you get that primal rage and juggle those back line heroes like a champion, the issue with winston is ofc brig is in the game to stun him and heal through his damage

You did not lose your match because of your Orisa team mate.

There may have been a better character choice you had in mind, but there were many other factors why your team lost the match. I have a hard time believing that one person’s character choice caused the entire team to collapse, especially if the Orisa player was trying to win the entire time.

Orisa could use buffs. However, spamming the forums won’t help.

Why was this flagged? Man spoke nothing but the facts. Anyone who truly thinks that Rein isn’t favored over every other tank is, for lack of a better word, delusional. There may as well be a ‘Reinhardt’ queue when you choose to play as tank.

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im saying you can’t prove the definitive end, we can both predict it but we cant act like what we’re saying will be the absolute truth to what will actually happen.

i disagree, just because he’s doing good because the other tanks were nerfed doesn’t mean he needs to suffer along with them. he doesn’t need hard nerfs or nerfs at all for that matter

even when i’ve fought reins as orisa and sigma, i still dunked on them because it’s a matter of skill, not breathing all over your keyboard to win

cant relate

that implies that im reverting them entirely, which im not.

i haven’t gotten to off tanks in any tests yet. they arent my priority as they dont compete with main tanks in my opinion.

it’s not your job to tear my words down either, what are you even saying. What you believe will work just so happens to be what i think wont work. this isn’t some job, this is a wendy’s public forum.

quite frankly, we’re just going back in forth since we’re both adamant in our ways. there will be no end to this conversation since it’ll just be a battle of opinions.

I actually would be totally fine with a Reinhardt queue. I would never lose games because I didn’t have one of my team and I’d be under zero pressure to play him myself.

It would be completely fair every time.

it’s flagged because this is the 20+ post mitrovarr has made on the topic

We disagree, so it absolutely is.

If you make a good point, I can and will acquiese, but you have totally failed to even come close because your responses can be summed up as follows:

  • Nuh UH!
  • Git gud!
  • No, U!

That’s all you’ve been saying this whole time. You’ve used around 2000 words to contribute absolutely nothing.

It’s flagged because you don’t like what he’s saying. If he had made 20+ “buff rein!” threads you wouldn’t care.

Sigma orisa had higher pickrates compared to rein after the shield nerfs and compensation buffs hit. It was only after they had those compensation buffs reverted and nerfed further Jan 16th (Orisa fortify went from 50% to 60% during shield nerfs, then 60% to 40% during reverts/further nerfs) that rein became meta.

Reins always been popular in plat because they care more about enjoying the game then playing optimally. If you swap the statistic to look at gm stats it supports my statement. Orisa and sigma were still better than rein after the shield nerfs, it was only after the compensation buffs for the shield nerfs were reverted that caused rein to become meta.

The charts I linked show the exact opposite. Orisa and sigma’s pick-rates combined were less than Rein’s was solo.

Rein has never been unpopular and at most it took between 24 and 48 hours from the time of the anti-barrier patch for Sigma and Orisa to get dunked on.

Just because you want it to be true, doesn’t make it so.

So some kind of proof or stop trying to insist that something that didn’t happen did. Reality is not subjective and you don’t get to make up your own facts.

those charts are from overbuff right? if they are, theyre unreliable as the amount of private profiles there are in this game probably a good amount of the data is hidden

Best data we got. Sucks, but it’s better than absolutely nothing.

Switch the tag to grandmaster instead of all. Supports my claim.

So, because it’s false for less than 1% of the playerbase…

For 99% of players, I’m right. Try again.

i mean we are talking about the difference between optimal, sub-optimal and garbage tier play here and at the optimal level every tank is viable