Just nerf Rein already before every other tank player quits

Well for starters wise guy, don’t put words in my mouth. Never once in any of my replies, in any of my threads, in any of my ANYTHINGS have I said that I wanted to bring double barrier back. When I said buff and sigma and Orisa, when and where exactly did I specify their barriers in my reply? Sure that’s a good start but you’re thinking so narrow minded to the point you think buffing them will bring it back despite me never specifying what could be buffed about them.

For starters, I would change how Orisa’s shield functions. It’s on a recall and recharge system like Reinhardt and Sigma. Sure if you use both of them in tandem they can still spam shields but they can’t do it every 10 seconds. If that shield breaks, they gotta wait until it recharges. May as well increase the time it takes to recharge as well to further reduce the synergy. As for changing it’s HP… I’m not sure on that at the moment. Definitely wouldn’t hurt bumping it to 700 or 750. You could also buff fortify back to 50%

For Sigma, his kinetic grasp gathers shields in real time. Not after the animation is done. This means he can survive after getting hooked. Maybe a bump in his damage would be good too.

I’ve done this twice for a total of 5 days, can’t relate.

Even in the week he’s not banned, double off tank was meta in OWL.

Well, here’s a radical thought on how to balance tanks.

  1. Change how Ult Charge works.

    • Only get Ult charge from kills, heals, selfheals, and passively.
    • Except for Pilot D.va
  2. Give all Tanks a passive that bodyblocks Earthshatter and similar Ults from passing through them.

  3. Lower cooldowns on the mobility for high mobility tanks, to keep snipers in check.

  4. Then maybe throw in something that does a teamwide cleanse against BioNade. Like Brig Ult. Or maybe the initial cast of Mercy Ult.

oof rein’s ultimate will suck after that

Of course you do. Rein is pretty much the only tank that DPS players don’t constantly rally for constant nerfs.

Too bad Rein is super unfun to play as. Hold right click and move forward.

Repeat after me

Rein is not op

Is Zarya inside each game that enable him.

Zarya is the issue.

More cd on Zarya stupid bubbles.

seems like this thread is evolving into a forum reinhardt XD

I agree, we can nerf Rein by nerfing Zarya which will buff other tank combinations with Rein.

I mean… It’s not entirely unwarrented.

Let’s not buff other tanks, instead let’s nerf the only remaining viable tanks. It’s like saying if 4 out of 5 students failed the exam, let’s fail the 5th one also because others also failed

I don’t think nerfing the most popular tank, or the second most popular tank, is a good way to increase the popularity of the Tank Role in 2-2-2


No, do not nerf Rein. If anything, buff him. I am just saying that a nerf to Zarya would nerf that synergy so more tank duos can be played with Rein.

Then make changes to Zarya so she isn’t shackled to Rein…

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Eh, I say buff all tanks.

And put in some mechanism so DoubleBarrier isn’t a problem.

And maybe do some of the above changes so DoubleOffTank doesn’t tilt your teammates off the side of the planet.

i mean isnt the ladder consistently playing rein sig rein hog and rein hammond pretty much every other game atm?

When Rein was banned Zarya had quite meh performance.

That is fine, just buff Zarya less than the rest.

Indeed. Double barrier will legit kill this game.

Means you can just have a straight Reinhardt queue, then ‘other tank’ queue, then dps/support.

Ye people don’t get he’s fine. But you know forum hate the truth-

Yeah the Reinhardt queue isn’t what I’m actually looking for.

Just nerf Rein down to Sigma levels, focus on his brawl rather than shield and then we can pretty much interchange any of the tank roster.

Kill off the MT/OT concepts for good.

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Double this. Well, spam damage and long range oneshots should be toned down then but I think the game will be much more healthy overall. MT concept bring imbalance in both heroes and playerbase.