Just met the hardest stuck player ever (uplifting)

I just played with a person who had that weird shiny border, i checked his profile and he had CLOSE to 4000 hours on this game, 600 on mccree and alot on widow

and his career high was 2800

he talked smack to us the whole game calling everyone kids etc.

ive never seen anything like it.


I’ve seen players like that. Other day had someone with a gold Border and 2 stars. Endorsement 2. Spent entire match insulting and attacking his teammates.

Just kind of confirms why some people are stuck in Brozne.


it just doesnt make sense, if ur playing a potential carry hero like mccree, Reaching diamond isnt that big of a task and playing the game for thousands of hours u would think they have this game figured out really good.

  1. You encountered someone in your match with a poor attitude.
  2. You came to the forums to talk badly about him to make yourself feel better.
  3. You’ve never seen anything like it?

Got it!


no i have never seen anyone with close to 4000 hours never reach diamond even.

nobody has that slow of a learning curve.

all the other plats ive seen with 3-4k hours have AT some point in earlier seasons been in a quite high rank, but stopped playing seriously and fell to plat


wow that’s crazy. it’s actually unfathomable to spend that many hours and not learn anything about the game. I can understand playing the game casually but you ought to learn something after thousands of hours of play. the only way I can understand that is maybe he has a broken hand or arthritis or something. it’s gotta be a medical disability

its definetly possible, that person had around 600 hours with mccree and career winrate of only 42%

he didnt want to switch either

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i think the real question is why does anyone care? other than him smack talking and the only reaction you could think of was to stoop even lower than him by rank shaming.

i love this game, whether i win or lose doesnt effect that. its this community who cant get over thinking they are better than everyone else. heres a concept. play the game and have some fun. a concept long lost with this horrible community. full of hotheads who throw and troll based off what little data they see. “oh we have a gold border plat, ggs” just play the game and have fun and worry about your own rank, which if you’re in the same game as the person youre complaining about, you’re the same rank. youre not as good as you think you are, youre right there with that person (unless youre a smurf of course)

no one wants to lose. get over it.

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i usually find I win more if I have gold borders. my win rate with the gold borders always seems to be about 80% while win rate against the gold borders seems to be below 50% as well. I feel like my chances with a gold border are only bad if they are onetricking that season. If they are flexing, there is a high chance that in one of their 1500+ hours they played something that can help us a lot

The guy who im talking about has 1500 losses with mccree and 1000 wins

average elims only 18 and average damage 9k

and only averages 1.9 elims per life.

my man needs some aim practice

this just mean the mechanics are the problem, not gamesense

this person would probably be at a higher rank if he played something else

met someone like that 2000 hour dva main that is honestly not even good at dva

Not everybody is good at video games or even cares to get good at them.


I rather have a dps smurf on my team than this players. I find that this shiny border guys have zero game sense and are super toxic. two days ago one, a shiny border guy (2500+ hours on ow) switched off Orisa because we had 3 dps (we were doing good actually, got 3 points on route 66 on ot), he was dying a bit more (consequences of solo tanking), got tilted and switched to widow, of course that the 3 dps mains never switched to main tank and we got rolled.
I have also found a LOT of shiny border Moira one tricks that loves to brag about having gold damage on games where they refuse to heal the tanks, they get super toxic with the dps but they dont fulfill their role as a main healer.

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its fun to do. especially when u suck and get only 1 kill. but 1 kill is all u need to put punk kids in there place lol

but he was so toxic he definetly cared about the outcome of the match.

he wasnt ur casual drunk guy playing to have fun

Ok? Why should we care whether he is good or not at the game?

Why is this important enough to make a thread about?


while it is shocking that a player could be in a low/mediocre rank after such hours the point of this thread was show the community that there are players like these who apparently never learn the game and makes u realize that you are the X factor when climbing and if you dont change your gameplay and blame everyone else or the game you will end up being stuck in a rank for thousands of hours

““The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.”

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the only thing shocking about it is that you think it’s shocking. so he has a diamond border and is gold or plat. so what? again you’re worried about something you have no control over. as frustrating as it is, everyone who plays this game has to deal with it. i stick by my original post and say just play the game and try and have some fun…ya know…the very reason you purchased this game…or any game for that matter.


I’m hard stuck gold. I dunno how many hours I have but it’s a lot. I’m now shamed as the gold boarder player stuck in gold. I’ve been playing since launch. Every season up until about 7-8 I had no troubles reaching mid plat at some point of the season. Since season 9 I struggle to reach Plat.
Season 1-8 I never used a mic, but was always in voice chat
Season 9 + I use a mic
Season 11+ My game awareness has been at it’s best. I kill about the same as when I reached plat in earlier seasons + I die a whole lot less now.
Still hard stuck tho. I main Moira/Mercy/Mei/Sombra, have recently found some success with Dva

That’s actually pretty decent average damage