Just met the hardest stuck player ever (uplifting)

its very low vs Golds/low plat. not to mention the amount of hours hes put in

i average close to 15k with cree and im not even a mccree main

No aptitude and too much pride lol

I can tell you that climbing to diamond is getting progressivly harder and harder no matter which hero you are playing. More alt accounts and most importantly people who absolutly dont care are making it a lot harder. Usualy you can get ok comps when you main support or tank. But playing dps these days is just horrible experience, people will blame you all the time and chance to get good comp 2 2 2 while you play dps is rarther rare. Practicaly every game starts as 4+ dps lately.

Tank role is big issue in this game. Below diamond where i play are wrong or non existen tanks cause of loss almost every time.

yes i agree, the games last 3 seasons ive played have been mostly really bad quality and the matchmaking seems like a total slot machine

u have alot of leavers, LOTS of smurfs and alot of toxic ragers

Hereā€™s a question ā€“ Forget what his rank is, and how many hours he spent in the game. Did you check to see how many wins each season he had?

Iā€™ll be honest with you, my ā€œMainā€ is one of those Diamond border ā€œhard stuckā€ in gold/plat. Maybe heā€™s like me and stopped caring about SR a long time ago, and is instead collecting golden guns. You can collect them in Diamond and above, OR you can collect them all the way down to Bronze where half of your wins and losses will be dependent on people who flat out donā€™t care, and the rest will be dependent upon which team gets the throwers and smurfs.

If youā€™re below Masters, can you actually brag about your rank? No. If youā€™ve got 4k hours in the game and youā€™re not Masters+, you get made fun of, rank shamed, insulted, false reported constantly. Sure, being toxic is a choice, but itā€™s also a reaction to something.

Just play the game, focus on your own goals. Who cares?

well its possible he stopped caring about SR when he realized he couldnt climb out of plat after such a long period of time

gee, itā€™s almost like time played doesnā€™t equal raw talent


Because Dva is the easiest hero to feed on so itā€™s not a good idea to main her if you want a high rank. 4k bombs are gonna boost you but not enough.

Playing supports you will understand the game better and climb higher IMO.

i agree but i love ashe so im hoping to climb with her, probably not the best choice

Whats wrong with having a plat or diamond boarder and being stuck in gold/plat area? ā€¦ever think nit everyone becomes a master of all just from exerience? Look at my profile im darn proud of it i do well for me. I have things that hold me back like having essential tremmers in my hand (uncontrolable random shakingā€¦no medicine for that sorry) and yet i love playing hit scans like mcgee, widow, asheā€¦my fav hero is pharah but for ME to be in high gold low plat is dang good for what i go through. So before u start dlaming somone for having high lvl boarder but lower or same sr as u think of why they might thereā€¦sometimes theres a good reason.

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I think you definitely can! (Donā€™t get me wrong iā€™ve climb from bronze to gold with her so iā€™m no expert). But you can definitely carry a game on your shoulder with her ! :smiley:

If you canā€™t behave properly, Blizzard will not ban you for that. You will be matched with other trolls and trashtalkers, cursed forever to be stuck in Platinum and Diamond.
If you can behave well and have a positive attitude, know where to set up your Torbjƶrn turrets, then you are heading towards Grandmaster.

Respect for everyone who has a disability but they try their best.

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im already gold so i wonder where ill get to:)

Thereā€™s ten percent of the population that stays in diamond, donā€™t you think thereā€™s a good reason for that? Itā€™s definitely not because achieving diamond is ā€œeasyā€. Look, if youā€™re good enough to reach that or higher, awesome, kudos, but donā€™t go around telling everyone itā€™s easy to achieve. Statistics donā€™t lie. I donā€™t mind people having a goal to achieve diamond, but mix that dream with a dose of reality, not a lot of people reside in diamond and it gets worse the higher you go up.


The reason people say diamond is an easy rank to get is because it isā€¦ for people who played FPS games before. Itā€™s just that a large majority of the playerbase (Iā€™m assuming) havenā€™t dumped a ton of hours into other FPS games, or games in general. From my experience at least, the average rank player in Overwatch is much worse than the average rank player in CS:GO, in terms of general FPS skills.

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Isnt this assuming that everyone can be diamomd+ what if plat is his plateau and he is never able to reach diamond based on his own skill?

I am going to let you in on a very dirty secret.

Bronze, silver, and gold are filled to the nines with silver and gold border players. A lot of those ā€œnew accountsā€ are just smurfs accounts of washed up plat players in silver.

You know why there are tons of those players in those brackets? Simple that is all that is left queing comp. That is the dirty secret.

All those casual joe blows that used to play in sub 2000 SR are LOOOONNNNNGGGG gone.

Time spent playing a game does not directly correlate to high SR. There are (probably) diamond border players in bronze just as there are in every other rank.

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but u would think players get better when they play more