Just me or is Ashe ads accuracy odd and funky?

So I’ve been playing a lot of Ash and what I’ve noticed is that her accuracy with ads ride is not detecting accurately.

So many situations that I’m aiming directly on the target yet no hot detection…

I’ve also noticed that even big YouTubers rarely upload full clips of the game play as her. It’s more of montages of when they finally get the hits.

Example: the videos seem to leave out the shots missed right before a kill because the traditional expirences I have been getting and seeing within the community is a few attempts before landing the hit.

No get gud jokes please lol I’m a widow main and I love hit scan heroes.

On console I’m diamond and now I’m new to the PC world.


The sensitivity on her ads is weird compared to Ana/widow scopes

Yes exactly. It’s so odd and strange.

At first I just that it was latency on PTR servers.
But I’ve been playing as her now on live and same issues

it feels super wonky to me too, like my aim isnt the best, but i dont miss shots near as much as on ashe, as opposed to other heroes

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Sometimes i feel like her bullets are firing above or below my crosshair…just me?


Yes exactly! I’ve had so many times where I’m like…yeah that was or should have been a direct hit…


One time, I got a scoped shot on a low-health Zenyatta that should have been a killing blow (with the dink! audio cue and everything) but Zenyatta . . . took no damage.

I’m not saying it’s aliens, but… ¯_(ツ)_/¯


It’s not just the sensitivity, her alt fire is missing the smoothness, that for example Widow has. Don’t really know why but it very noticeable.

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watch kephrii’s Ashe stream, he mentions that Ashe’s scope sensitivity (default) is almost double to widow and ana’s

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I’ve noticed that too, it almost feels like a misfire at times

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Hit detection has been fine for me despite not having great internet, the real problem is that her scope wobbles differently from any other hero so it can be hard to aim. Plus I think the default scope sens is way too high to aim at any sort of range, I dropped mine from 60 to 45 and do significantly better

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These are some examples


She definitely has hit detection issues which I’m guessing are tied to latency. It’s almost like the always favour the shooter rule doesn’t apply to her

Her field of view when aiming down sights is different compared to Ana/Widow scoped in so that’s what’s throwing you off. It is really annoying and I hate it, I miss 80% of my shots as Ashe yet I’m a really good Ana and a decent Widow

I think everyone is experiencing this issue. I see no difference between Ashe and other hitscan heroes when using her unscoped semi-auto fire, but while scoped her accuracy is a bit off compared to a scoped Widow or a scoped Ana.

I played about 3 rounds vs AI and 80% of my shots somehow went TOO HIGH yet I was aiming right on their heads, or I’ll try to flickshot and just feel like I’m new to computers and mice in general

If you don’t have it already, try a small dot for your crosshair. I found it really helps with Ashe. I even saw some other people talk about it could be your crosshair choice that makes it seem like you should have hit the shot when you weren’t even close to actually hitting it.

Her scope wobbles so oddly.
To me it feels as if both the scope and the reticle bob/recoil individually after a shot, as if they weren’t one solid object, it makes it super disorienting.
I’m also worried there are either some straight up hit detection errors or the scope ‘bob’ is misrepresenting cross-hair position.

Her ADS is weird. I suggest aiming less with your mouse and more with your movement you’ll land way more shots.

Yeah it feels weird. Sometimes it feels like direct hit wont register even if Im 100% sure it should hit (often seen on replays). Im terrible as Widow but her aiming feels soo much better than Ashe.