Just me or is Ashe ads accuracy odd and funky?

Yeah it slls off but no response about this from the devs…

Ashe is the only hero I play as Hanzo when using scope. Predict where shot will land, no clicking.

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I haven’t tried to use her like a Hanzo.

But a lot of people have footage of issues on reddit

It worked for me at least, give it a shot. Not exactly like Hanzo as she is faster of course but still.

It’s not just you. Some of these shots actually connect when I watch in slow mo. Does feel a bit off tbh.

Yep. Soon as annoying

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Thanks goodness, I thought it was an issue I was having alone lol. Glad to know I’m not the only one that thinks something feels a bit off about Ashe.

Ahahaha naw not just you lol

But I’m hoping devs give us a reply

I know what you mean. My first thought was hm maybe my aim is just bad after a break from OW but it wasn’t the case. I truly felt like I’m playing headshot only because I couldn’t get bodyshots. If I’m not mistaken I only hit them while spraying.
About the sensitivity Kephrii is right however her field of view is different. Whats he playing at 35? I can’t play on 38, 45, 50, 55 but for some reason 40 and 60 feel good.

Definitely noticeable on the shots not registering part

Oddly I agree. She feels more like really fast projectile rather than hitscan. Then again yesterday I played her for a bit abd had to get into rythm.

I just hope the devs speak on this and tell us why

They already acknowledged to fix this on Reddit earlier today. Phew I’m so glad :relieved:

What was said exactly?

Yeah this is it:

Kaplan writes in a detailed Reddit post: “The ADS still happens at the correct speed. But the animation looks can feel a bit off. In an upcoming patch, the ADS is smoothed out regardless of how high your FPS is and should feel much better.”

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