now do it on someone that’s moving
No it wouldn’t. KarQ made a video about hit boxes, I recommend you watch it.
The hitbox on sleep is fine. Large hitboxes are an intentional game development tool to counteract things like latency.
Besides, sleeping any hero that’s standing still in the practice mode is going to be piss easy. You should be alarmed if you can’t do that.
I don’t recommend posting stuff like this here. Support mains are EXTREMELY entitled and very sensitive so you’ll get a ton of hate for even suggesting a support is annoying to play against
You are completely wrong, build/kits from dropped items in TF2 completely changed your play style. I found it to be more unique gameplay wise than what OW has become.
Thanks for sharing. Her sleep dart is about 2x too big, imo.
You may have missed the part where the sleep dart sleeps on clear misses. Go back and watch it, again.
The issue is sleep dart is meant for tracer genji in which case i think the current hit box is necessary, the issue is always it’s too big for tanks and easy to land though without it she will be ez for doom ball and Winston.
I didn’t, I explained why this is the case. Hitboxes are larger than the characters to compensate for various inherent issues in online gaming. Dislike it all you want; you’ll hate it MORE if hitboxes were smaller.
I’ve had the exact opposite effect. I’ve literally watched my Sleep Darts fade through an Ulting Reaper. At point blank. I even got the tick mark and it credit me for sleeping him BUT HE NEVER WENT TO SLEEP.
I think Ana’s dart is designed so that you can heal through some of the enemies nearby your target. If it had big attack size, it would just hit by an enemy even if you aimed at a gap between them to heal the target. So they’re as small as possible as for enemies and big enough for allies.
The property would have made Ana projectile perhaps the least harmful headshot weapon, but ironically she’s the only support who cannot headshot with projectile/hitscan weapon.
Yeah I don’t think any Ana would actually care if sleep’s duration on a tank was 1 second lower than other roles. It’d be something at least.
Lol genji and tracer have massive hit boxes for their size thats why in alot of kill cams we yell how did that kill me because they never hit are moble just are hit box
No they would flip a lid