Just got to GM thanks to Brigitte

Inspired by this forum and urnotjustin’s video I started to play Brigitte three weeks ago. I am usually a diamond Genji / Zarya main with career high in Master.

With this character that I literally never played before, I managed not only to instantly beat my career high, but got to GM with a 70% win rate. (check my profile)

I used to think GM was an extraordinary rank that I could never dream of achieving. But seeing how easy it was to get there by just stopping to play my favorite hero (Genji) and abuse balance discrepancies, I have completely lost my motivation to play this game. Sure I am happy to get this rank, but I feel like I got scammed for playing the game “honestly” for so long.

I really love Overwatch. But what’s the point of making heroes that are just so easy to play and abuse to climb ranks ? I don’t get it.




enjoy it while it lasts


She’s about to get mega nerfed


Well deserved honestly, I hope this sample would show what the game has turned into…
2 more days and we’re back on track tho ^^


Inb4 “Brig doesn’t need a nerf tho!”

Like seriously, if this doesn’t show how much reward Brig’s kit gives her just by existing, nothing will.

Also just for further evidence, this is OPs Overbuff profile. As you can see, 6 days ago OP was sitting at 3616 and did the entire thing in 59 games, switching off Brig for only 6 of them where he played Zarya: https://www.overbuff.com/players/pc/Swaggy-21232?mode=competitive


So you’re saying I should also stop playing because I dropped widow and got to masters from high plat with genji?


“I rode the waves of the current GOATS meta and did well”

Cool. Could have done that with any of the heroes in that meta. Lol.

You know full well that she’s getting nerfed and you decided to pour gasoline into the fire. Do you really think that’s optimal? :roll_eyes:


I’m not jumping on the Brig bandwagon but there are scores of Brig mains stuck at low ranks so :man_shrugging:


Can’t wait to see the Brig supporters scramble to find an argument as to why this is ok


You think GOATS is played at anything other than the higher SR tiers?


In plat+, I see it all the time. :man_shrugging:


That why they are nerfing her


Yes, tons? 20characters


And people say she’s fine :joy: :man_facepalming:


OP, how much time did you play in previous seasons? What were your win rates with different heroes in previous seasons?

According to your Overbuff stats, you didn’t gain rank because you picked Brigitte. You gained rank because you’re an exceptional Brigitte, and an exceptional player all around.

How can you disprove the idea that you simply got better at the game, or finally played enough to reach your true rank?

…and why is this your first forum post ever from this account?


dude I see GOATS all the time in SILVER.

of course its usually a bunch of level 26’s running goats going “we’re not smurfs git gud”

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Bwahaha, that’s a good one. 2-2-2 is still absolutely the norm at anything below masters. According to stats it’s only at GM level where dps pickrates actually drop significantly.

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Honestly, I want to test this for myself. I was avoiding playing her just because of the mentality regarding her. I do not want a lot of hours just to be accused of being a Brigitte main while defending her; however, that is really stupid because my main is one false suspension away from being permanently banned from the forums and nobody can see my hours regardless. Lul. Might as well bite the bullet and see if there is any truth to this while I still can and while Ashe is still being instalocked like crazy.

Trickle down meta is a thing. Not as common as previous metas but it exists.

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