Just got to GM thanks to Brigitte

Congrats op. Most people (inc me) won’t get there no matter what hero we play.

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so you’re saying he knows to stand next to teammates and how to press 3 buttons in the right order…


Don’t worry, they’re nerfing Brigitte soon, so if you fall back down you know it was purely because of her being OP.

If you continue to stay in GM playing more than just her, you’ll know you deserve to be there.


Yeah. The whole point of GOATS is it requires relatively little coordination, just lots of healing and ability spam to survive the brawlfest. That’s… a pretty ideal meta for lower SRs. Supports get swapped around some, but GOATS only really doesn’t exist in some form in Bronze. And even there, you’ve got a derivative meta

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I would not post normally. But after months of hating this character that counters my main and so much drama about ELO climbing, I found this was post-worthy.

The thing is, I might actually have a GM level Brigitte. But I can clearly feel that I could not maintain this rank with any other character, despite having played them far much longer. This is what feels really wrong.

I think Brigitte is just a too consistent character overall, it’s easy to play her without making mistakes.


That’s grossly oversimplifying Brigitte. Based on your response, though, I’m not sure if it’s even worth the effort of trying to convince you that Brigitte does, in fact, take skill to play.

OP’s competitive stats show that while he plays Brigitte like it’s a deathmatch game in QP, he focuses on healing his team in competitive. And… actually, the more I look at these stats, the more I’m starting to wonder if Brigitte in competitive on this account was played by a different person. It honestly looks like it.


I got from gold to masters last season playing Rein. I dont see your point? Your mechanical skill isnt up to scratch with GMs but your game sense is thats all.


Are you sure you couldn’t do it with any other character? What about Reinhardt? Most of Brigitte’s skills transfer to Reinhardt play.

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Simple go to lfg put in triple tank, triple support. Wait a bait and you can have you’re own goats comp.

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Same issue with Mercy, it’s time for the nerfs until she’s on the “ok” level.

Out of curiosity, what were your ranks before in previous seasons?

I’m actually impressed by how much you found out just with a few stats. I have indeed a very different play style in QP. (Flanking a lot). But don’t over-analyse things, I just play like that because it is QP and I will play in a more funny/risky way.

That’s fair. I also thought that perhaps the discrepancy could be explained by playing QP as you learned Brigitte, then taking her into comp where you learned her better, played her well, and didn’t go back to play her in QP again as a better player.

Either way, it’s entirely possible that you’re just better at other heroes than you are at the one you really wish you were best at. Right now, Overbuff lists you as #31 for Brigitte in competitive. Congrats! By gaining SR, you beat just as many Brigitte players as you did players of any other hero.

Edit: As a side note, looking at your QP Genji stats… you have two weak stats. They are objective time and damage reflected. You could also die less, but that’s not as bad. What this tells me is that–at least in quick play–you are mechanically very strong but you do not stay with your team and work together with them. If you stayed with your team more, your damage reflected would be much higher because you would be reflecting the entire enemy team’s damage at once during team fights… not only dealing damage, but protecting and enabling your team as well.

I am willing to bet that your experience playing Brigitte, whose kit forces you to be a team player, will make you a better Genji when you return to your favorite hero.


well op did say they played in goats comps during the climb. which would explain the massive heals to damage delt ratio for their brig stats. and even when they didn’t play in goats comps as long as the they didnt die the brigs heals will build up. heck, for some games she doesn’t even need to bully enemies with brig combos, just existing can zone out enemies from doing anything

Goats is strong at all ranks but played most at high ranks, because people care about winning more. At most ranks people dont care enough to win, they would rather play a dps hero. Not too surprising it isnt ran all that often when most people want to play dps, and the best comp has 0 dps.

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It really doesn’t. Everyone notices the difference between a good Reinhardt and a bad one but no one knows what exactly sets them apart. The differences between a “good” brigitte and a bad one is whether or not they know about her 200 HP stun combo and can press E. I’m basically saying Reinhardt requires gamesense way above brigitte and a few things exclusive to him because his bugs.


I’m not buying it. His activity shows he’s been on 20+ wins to zero loss binges since February, using genji. I can’t even find a single loss. For some reason I doubt he was below GM before he went brig.

Anecdotal evidence doesn’t really prove anything. I know a couple of people who’ve tried this and flopped miserably; all ranging from bronze to masters. :unamused:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Before anyone decides to respond to me saying I’m wrong, I’m just going to throw this out there: You’re attacking nepal shrine, what’s the safest approach?
A. Straight up the stairs
B. Into the room with the Health pack
C. Stairs by the cliff
What does Brigite gain from knowing what angle your shield should be at in relation to which walls and the enemy team’s composition and position?
She gains nothing from those skills.

dude theres like 20 op heros its no biggie tbh