Just get rid of 2-2-2 already

Which is why 2-2-2 was required. It is an argument FOR it, not against it.

You would think it would be an argument for making tanks/supports not suck to play, but people seems to not like that argument.

I like 2/2/2 :man_shrugging:t2:

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To OP: I personally have a disagreement. I feel that 2-2-2 is one of my favorite additions to this game, and one of the best decisions I’ve seen the devs made so far in terms of the game as a whole. Ergo, I am happy… nay… elated in seeing it be made into a permanent replacement of chaotic queue, and am also elated in seeing that option still available in the arcade for those individuals to enjoy as well.

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I just had a game with 2 diamond tanks against a GM and masters tank.
222 is killing this game and tank ques are bottlenecking the other two role’s ques and causing extreme SR differences.

Let’s get one thing clear, everyone likes to have a tank and support on the team.

The thing is, with 2/2/2 DPS will have to pay dues in queue time for that. Support less so, and tanks the least.

If you can enjoy a benefit without giving up something, why would you let that go. For that reason most tanks will NEVER support 2/2/2 because it doesn’t reduce their queue time. If DPS queue time is the same in 2/2/2 as it is in open queue, they would not complain as much either.

The only tank/support mains, or rather, the only players, who would prefer open queue over 2/2/2 are flexible, adaptable players who are comfortable in every role, who enjoy “fill in the missing piece” of a team, who enjoy “making a push happen after 2 mins of nothing because I switched to dps and wipe a team, or because I switched to a tank and made a galaxy of space”…

But a lot of people main just one role and just want to play one role. The flexibility and freedom in open queue doesn’t mean anything to them because they lack the ability to exercise that freedom.

Personally, I enjoyed that freedom. I want that freedom, plus it’s just sad to see so many heroes locked out at the character screen. It’s a worse version of hero ban.

I don’t understand the complaining of 2-2-2 when Blizzard literally added in classic QP and now open comp. What is there to complain about?

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my happiness is unbridled to know that I am not as I had once thought the last surviving member of the once proud Megadodo species


I am very sad that despite us being so similar that some forum members have stated that one of us is a copy of the other, we disagree so completely on ow matters that are dear to my heart

like here

I personally consider 222 to have been the very worst change ever added to the game, and dont see anything I’d call chaotic in the pre222 modes

there are a number of differences between the pre222 modes and the role-less modes in the arcades. For example, role-less competiive has hero bans, which pre222 competiive never did

in addition, role-less comp is going away soon

so the role-less modes are not equal substitutes for their pre222 wouldbe/shouldbe counterparts

If less people are playing it, then clearly the mode doesn’t appeal to a large portion of the player base. So why would you force it upon the rest of the player base?

100% Agree. I believe such complaints could have been timed better had they not included such modes in the arcade. With chaos queues being moved to that sphere, it is clear that the devs have made their choice in having role queue, which is what I feel is the superior queue, to be the mainstay and permanent resident in the land of Overwatch’s main game modes. Chaos / classic queue is freely available to those who want it in the arcade, and are ergo, free to play in those modes.

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Tbh its a lot harder to carry in role queue. Its more team based game and its hard for anyone to be the obvious reason for a win now. Steamrolls and ez wins happen more frequently. Close games happen less. Harder to counter pick enemy team comps by being limited to a single role.