Just disable Role Queue for the last month of Overwatch 1

That was Ranked only.
According to Blizzard the majority of players play exclusively QP - which was never gone.

OQ wasn’t an option for awhile. By the time they brought it back it was too late. And the game has been completely balanced around 222 now. It’s not the same OQ we had from 2016-18.

No it was QP too. They actually brought back OQ to ranked before they brought it back to QP. And even now it’s not even an option in regular QP. It’s hidden inside arcade mode which is perceived as a joke.

You like RQ and all you’re doing is preaching to the choir on here about it. The majority of players ditched OW because of it.

It did vanish for a while. It was one of the rare moments on the forums where people did come together and ask for it back.

The people who preferred rq, wanted it back as a way to reduce the DPS queue in rq. Which it helped with.

But yeah, it was gone for a while.

As it was though I find the “we never had a excess in DPS in oq” arguements weird given the DPS queue times. Obviously we had a much larger amount of DPS players.

Open Q is already there. Quit trying to force it on people who don’t want to play it.

We have no reliable information on who quit when, how many of them and why. Every claim like this, stated as a fact, is, in fact, a conjecture at best, a specious fallacy used to prop up a duplicitous losing argument at worst.

For everyone who backs this drivel up with something like, “well, all of my friends stopped playing after RQ got released”, I can answer with my own subjective experience of my “extensive” friend list mostly dropping OW in 2017 - 18, long before Role Queue got implemented. I’ve asked them why and the aggregate reason was pretty much this: “played it for a long while; great game, enjoyed it a lot until I got tired of it; then other games came out that I wanted to try, so I moved on”.

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Here is the official Blizzard post:

Quick Play Classic launched the same day as Quick Play Role Q.

An arcade mode is not a substitute for removing OQ comp. The fact is they did everything they could to steer people away from OQ. This is why many people love seeing the OWL fail. Because that is the reason RQ exists.

I already acknowledged that the removal of Open Q Comp was a mistake.
Though this doesn’t explain why Quick Play Role Q would do much better than Quick Play Classic.
If Role Q really were so bad you would expect more people playing Open Q and not the other way round.

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People are allowed to play something other than double shield. If people want to play open queue, it’s right there for anybody at anytime.

Stop trying to take choice away from players by forcing your ideal version of the game on everyone when there is literally a system in place right now to do the very thing you want.

I think you may have misinterpreted OP’s motivation behind this thread:

I actually prefer Role Queue, I just think forcing Open Queue, as well as removing all hero limits etc would be funny for the last Month of Overwatch.

Hell, bringing back some of the old stuff might bring back more players for the sequel.

RQ killed the game, if it wasn’t that then it was Brig. This is never up for debate at all anymore. We should not even be going 5v5 but we have no choice thanks to pathetic game balance and people’s inability to accept that the game should in fact require even 1 tiny ounce of skill. Instead, all the easy heroes can auto pilot and win for you. :yawning_face:


Would be fine for me. RQ should have been for comp only.

Open queue and QP classic already exist.

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No thanks, I prefer Role Queue only. I never voluntarily queue up for Open Queue. Feel free to check my profile if you don’t believe me.

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Overwatch’s playerbase had already cratered by the time role queue happened… Role Queue just made it obvious.

By the time RQ went live, most of the support players + nearly all of the tank players had already quit… they got fed up with the devs gutting their mains over GOATS, and Mercy’s 2.0 rework was so unpopular it kicked off a Butterfly Effect From Hell.

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There isnt a single thing that killed the game. We got Moth meta with 100% pickrate mercy, we got GOATS boosting gold teams to Masters by exploiting brig agaisnt random teams + 1 year of goats only pro play. We had 3 years of teams with 5 dps mains and a solo lucio facing rush comps. We got double shield and the dev team taking 6 months to fix it. We stopped getting new events (5 seasons of lucioball, 4 of them without new maps) and new heroes.

If its the players fault then its every player fault, because not even Arcade only casuals/youtubers managed to stay in this game.

You’re right it is not a single thing it is many. And that is part of the problem. The list is neverending and continues to grow even as we approach OW2’s inevitable launch(and demise).

Why remove hero limitations? It has nothing to do with RQ and RQ being garbage. Also blizz were advised by everyone to put in hero limit from the beginning.

the claim made of a majority is not supported

the data shown here is from about two years ago on a single day when role-less queue competitive had been out of the game for about 6 months

Moreover, this is ancient usage data, not ancient preference data

usage <> preference

and was buried one menu level down