Just because a character is annoying doesn’t mean that they deserve to be bad

I see this a lot on the forums, “x hero is annoying so they don’t need buffs.” This mentality has killed this game. Just cause Mei, brig, doom, Pharah, Sym, bastion, and hog are annoying that doesn’t mean that they don’t need buffs. Just cause Genji and Sombra are annoying that doesn’t mean that they don’t need power shifts.


Agreed. Besides, some of us get joy from annoying people in-game. Like me. :stuck_out_tongue:


some of us get joy from annoying people in-game

That’s why I mained Mei for a while lol.


There’s a severity index of annoying. If it gets as bad as doom or mei was in doubleshield meta, then it needs a nerf.


The salt must have tasted very good, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean doom didn’t need the recovery nerf, he was already being phased out


Blizzard sees people are annoyed by a character so they instantly slam them with a massive nerf. Sounds right.

Mei is fun cause you know the enemy isn’t having fun.

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Me as Widow. I know the enemy hates being headshot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Same thing with sombra, it prevents the enemy having fun so it’s fun for me.

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I respect Sombras. But that doesn’t stop me from killing them when they hack me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most of the roster can be annoying but some heroes get hated a lot more for no particular reason. Genji, Ana, D.Va, Wrecking Ball can be just as annoying or even worse than Mei, Brig, Sym, etc.


Every character is annoying when played well, we shouldn’t balance on how annoying characters are.


Not sure if I would say every character. Can’t remember ever finding an Orisa annoying personally lol. But yeah, I really don’t think a hero deserves to be abandoned just because some people don’t want to play against them. I really hate genji but I still have to deal with him in almost every match so I want everyone else to suffer too

As much as a dislike brig as a genji/tracer player, she doesn’t deserve to be unviable. I hope they do something with her so she becomes viable.

i like 2 types of archetypes and they are usually considered pretty lame.

the up close and personal approach which is basically shotguns/grapplers/barbarians kinda characters.

the other is the utility characters that have a lot of abilities, which usually are the tech characters/zoners/wizards.

and i can tell you this, people don’t mind fighting slow murder machines as long as they are manageable and are generally underpowered and you have to work extremely hard to get anything done with them.

and no matter what, these tech/zoning/wizards are horrible to fight for everyone no matter their state, but they are an essential component in most games.

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I think annoying is the wrong issue. Certain heroes who flat-out invalidate other heroes are the issue.

Why was Mei an issue? Because her mere presence meant you couldn’t play a pretty big chunk of heroes because she obliterated them. It’s the same with Sombra, she’s a problem because she is disproportionately effective against certain heroes, making it so if she wants to focus you, you literally can’t pick certain heroes. When you’ve got a tank roster and support roster so small, making 4-5 heroes of one category bad picks is a really bad thing.

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Yea but Mei literally has a 0.09% pickrate in GM and a 29% win rate there this week. Brig is also horrendously bad. Both of these heroes are the worst heroes in their roles and need something.

As much as I find Tracer and Dive tanks to be annoying, I would fight tooth and nail to keep them in the game, if that ever happens.

No, they didnt, not when they were just sympton picks to the real annoying heroes.