Just because a character is annoying doesn’t mean that they deserve to be bad

Widow invalidates the entire dps roster that isnt Tracer and Ashe. Genji and Tracer invalidate most supports. McCree invalidates Sym.

The list goes on.

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Eh genji is kind of a blade bot. Tracer is kinda problematic right now though, I’ll agree with you on that.

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Doom gets it so hard, he’s so misunderstood and everyone hates him even though right now he’s really not great.

They all jump straight to assuming he’s easy and cheap and that he dosent suck based on the fact he gets played in league, 2 things, 1 Doom is fun to watch and to play, 2 he’s currently about as good as the recourses you put into him, which of course is going to make him better at the top of the ladder, the majority of the ladder he still remains almost uselss, he’s one of the hardest characters to get value out of as you can be shut down so quickly, the 1 time he was meta he countered double shields which continued to be an issue long after they nerfed all 3 of his abilities.

‘‘Blade Bot’’ doesnt mean he is bad. Not when Blade is the best DPS ultimate right now. He is still a top tier dps hero in all the ranks where WAT arent invalidating everyone.

IMO he didn’t need the recovery nerf as he was already being phased out of the comp

There’s a difference here though. Widow makes picks, but there’s a lot of ways to avoid it (sight lines, shields, dive tanks distracting her). Genji and tracer also target supports, but not like a specific support, they just generally are meant to kill supports, same as Reaper who is generally meant to kill tanks.

Sombra, on the other hand, hacks which disproportionately is very, very bad for some and just meh for others. Brig is THE counter-flanker, you’re not allowed to flank supports (do your job) as DPS when she was powerful. Mei was THE counter-tank, most every tank in the roster was very helpless to deal with her at her high-point, except maybe Orisa/Zarya.

Widow is a problem, but generally speaking if she kills you it’s because she outplays you. This is an issue of “the hero is so effective at their job that you no longer can do it”. If you just buff those heroes, you basically make it so they limit options too heavily. They need changes to make them less feast-or-famine against certain heroes.

Most maps are extremely open, shield tanks are basically unpicked outside Rein, the list goes on.

If there was real counterplay to Widow, GOATS could have never existed. The only counterplay to Widow is a better Widow, which has been the biggest issue of the game since launch.

Hack is delayed and extremely paragraphed and puts Sombra is way more risk that a lot of headclicker gray screeners of the game. Sombra also pays for Hack and EMP by having extremely low kill potential.

I want to hear your thoughts on a couple of changes someone else thought up. I don’t want him to be meta, I want him to be fun and rewarding to play. How are these?:

  • Dragon blade can no longer be damage boosted

  • Deflect can no longer be canceled

  • Deflect reverted to 1.5 seconds

  • Spread reverted from 9 to 12

  • Shuriken damage increased from 28 to 30

  • RMB recovery goes from 0.75 to 0.65

  • LMB recovery decreased from 0.95 to 0.85

I could like those kind of changes, actually. Except the 28 to 30 damage, imo the HP thresholds it breaks are maybe a tad unnecesary and makes his low TTK combos way too reliable and good.

I think at this point Genji needs to have different damage values for primary and secondary shurikens, otherwise even with a nerfed spread his secondary might be a tad too strong if general shuriken get buffed.

I think that he also needs his counterpicks un-gutted and un-nerfworked too, or at least Mei and Sym.

Sym and Mei need something, I don’t know what they need though. Also if thirty sounds like too much how about 29 damage?

More than debatable when talking about a video game like Overwatch… Needless to say…

All of these heroes are doing terrible right now though

Doomfist and Pharah aren’t… Not even close actually…

Brigitte is pretty bad, not gonna lie.

Mei is currently numerically underpowered for once, sure, but isn’t anywhere as bad as poor Symmetra.

And Bastion is a badly - designed mess and if he receives significant net buffs, we could go through a Reaper 50% life - steal fiasco all over again.

In my experience every hero is annoying in someway.

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Pharah is below a 1% pickrate in GM

Doom feels terrible to play

Sym is garbage as ever

And Mei is statistically the worst hero in the game with a pickrate in GM of 0.09% and a 29% win rate this week.

Mei needs ammo buffs, at least.

Sym needs a whole rework/partial revert because they removed what survivability she had for an OWL gimmick. She doesnt work as a dps hero and hasnt since the 3.0 rework. Its just even worse now that they neutered her damage into Sombra tier.

Yes, I was thinking that exactly. Like its a big help in damage but it doesnt become an assured way to kill someone with an instant combo.

Everyone thats is actively not helping you is ‘‘annoying’’. Such is nature of a pvp game, there is no ‘‘non-annoying’’ enemy players unless they are literally afk.

No no no no no no!
I can’t deal with the frustration of getting oneshotted without counterplay.
You know, I’ve recently made a drawing using windows paint for my little sister, therefore I know game design and I can tell you for certain these heroes are “trash designs”

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Which is why we shouldn’t balance based on how annoying a hero is

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Stats only concerning the top 1% of the player base aren’t even remotely close to all - encompassing, needless to say.

Completely subjective opinion.


That’s just one perspective. I personally define the term “frustrating to play against” as an ability/hero/mechanic/etc. which is basically “more frustrating than it has to be” (such as Mei’s Freeze for example, which actively takes control away from your player, etc.), which of course means that all inherent frustration of PvP games is absent from the equation.

Before GM any hero is viable. After GM your hero picks can win or lose you the game.