Just ban one tricks already

I’m going to wager you are just that bad and refuse to admit to it sadly.

Not everyone is a pro:)

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The game didn’t put you there. You put yourself there.


If i was good enough to be gold in solo cue i should not be in silver you dont get worse with time and hard work you get better

I’m not sure you understand how ladders work.

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If you’re doing stupid crap that is losing you games despite playing for longer, then you will keep losing. If you’re not keeping up with meta, you will keep losing. If you insist on a negative attitude that blames everyone but yourself, you will keep losing.

Get off the forums and practice positioning in QP. You need it.


Fuey500 was banned top 500 player 1 trick Torb. He can play the hell out of that Dwarf! Google it. Basically got banned for not playing well with others in the sandbox, it was because of his choice of characters.

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Bro. You’re a plat…

“You’ve picked Genji too many times recently, please try a new character, how about Mei? Love Blizzard”

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A plat who doesn’t blame everything and everyone else for their own mistakes.


Playing badly is not a reason to report.

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Why should i , like last night qued with 3 freinds we were doing very well most winning games then the added someone to party that wasnt even playing overwatch then their focus left the game and boom three humiliating 100%to 0 losses, so i left and watched netflix if people are not going to put in 100% effort and 100% focus in everything they do including game then wasting my time

Oh i never report people for bad playing i just leave right after a match and wait so i am not teamed up with them again

Why didn’t you kick that person after the second loss???

The thing is, as Hulkie said, they’d have to ban all one tricks. That includes Rein one tricks, Tracer one tricks, Genji one tricks, Soldier one tricks, McCree one tricks, etc.

The forums would be in flames if a Tracer one trick was banned for one tricking.

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I play on console and because the FOV I can’t really play hero’s like Reinhardt, and Genji because its too zoomed in I loose track of my targets way to quickly. Characters like Soldier 76 feels better because I can hit quick and hard from a distance and still keep the enemy’s on screen. Maybe if Blizzard introduced an FOV slider I can get into more characters but until then I can’t really do more than Soldier.

I wasnt party leader i was the only person focusing on game everyone else had no problem talk about anything else but focusing on the match, and my last comp match before i gave up comp this season gold teir players i was mercy called out tracer on balcony behind us three times and she was still able to kill three people with no oposition, then i get blamed for hiding not healing, well if people are going to completely ignore a flanker i am not going to sacrifice my life to keep you alive for a few seconds more

You only have 2 spots for 7 days, and by the way you are talking, I am pretty sure you are probably on their list also.

What two spots? I dont understand what you’re saying

Or you could have swapped to a support that could counter that tracer like Moira.

You are equally responsible for the loss, whether you choose to believe it or not.

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This was at the begining of the attack on hollywood, i was not going to run back and die on the way to switch to moria, three times the DPS ignored the tracer on the balcony i tried to heal them but only healer on team so had to try and heal and stay hidden from tracer