Just as i predicted McCree is now the target nerf dps after hanzo was nerfed out of viability

I put out a warning post on the forums that once the forum mob got Hanzo executed they would be coming after McCree.

As I have said many times before it does not matter what dps it is, if its being played the mob will deem it overpowered.

McCree who has been mediocre at best since he got this buff, is now all of a sudden OP when he gets his time in the spotlight. Think about that. absolutely nothing has changed but the fact that hanzo isn’t viable.

This is the issue with listening to forum rants about what is and isn’t viable, there will never be an acceptable dps to be meta.

they do not like dps being usable. anything that kills is overpowered in the eyes of these forums. It needs to stop.

and if you don’t believe me or disagree. tell me. who is the dps that is okay being top of the meta?

The forums seem quite okay with ana and rien being the best in the game so I don’t want to hear “we want every hero to be viable” because that’s a lie. and everyone knows it.


they want tanks and support to be indefinitely stronger than DPS like it was in goats apparently since they’re so against powercrept characters getting fixed back its insane


agreed. ive said that healing is power crept for a long time and needed across the board nerfs or other dps would never be usable.

everyone said “no its hanzo keeping everyone down”

hanzo is now toeing the line of how bad he was when he got reworked and still nothing but burst dps is usable.


and now we’re just down one burst DPS to use against it :slight_smile:
I also said a few months ago that if hanzo gets nerfed and mccrees firerate doesnt get nerfed all its going to do is replace the problem, people are still dying just as fast (because crees left click is literally storm arrow but hitscan) and it didnt, now the meta is mei mccree instead of mei hanzo wow wadyaknow


At least they haven’t nerfed him yet. His winrate is honestly not what I would expect from a supposedly “OP” hero, especially when he’s not even picked half the time.


whats funny I said the exact same things that nerfing hanzo would just push McCree into meta because his primary fire is literally hitscan storm arrow with no cooldown.

Its a vicious cycle. :joy:


theyre exactly the same
same firerate
same DPS
but hanzos has to get dumpstered :slight_smile:


indeed it is

like I said it doesn’t matter who it is, if its viable and killing, the forums want it nerfed


Now that you mention it. There does seem to be a pattern :thinking:

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ive been saying it for years on the forums but everyone called me crazy and “a biased insert hero I was defending main”


Got your told you so moment now though :smiley: Grats


It’s called primate behaviour, flock of sheep or monkey society.


Man, im main dps and i want play a lot of diferent dps with no getting destroyed by mcree.on almost all ranges.

I also dont like when my allied mcree or enemy mcree hard carry so hard.the match. I want a balanced game and right now mcree is better than others dps. Then we have two options.

Buff all dps to the lvl of mcree or just nerf mcree. I want nerf the powercreep, then nerf mcree is the better way.

Is not hard to understand.


All I see on the forums are threads about 132, Rein and the PTR D.Va nerf. It’s hardly a tidal wave of McComplaints.


the reason this is happening, is because its just a round robin of nerfing dps when dps are not the issue.

it does not matter how much you nerf the dps, they will still be the only usable ones, because powercreep in the healing and tanking areas are the issues.

tanking is getting its nerfs and is slowly being put under control, but healing still has way too much that can be stacked and that is powercrept to make anything but burst dps usable.


McCree doesn’t even do that well overall, objectively-speaking… so those times you see him “carry” are the ones that stick out in your mind. It’s a trick of the mind.


No. He is top one dps on all ranks for one reason. He carry on my matchs and also carry the matchs when i see gm players on twitch.


He’s technically “most picked” DPS, but his winrate isn’t even that good compared to other DPS that have been around his pickrate before. That matters in balance.


Its the same old , same old, “Nerf hero “X” cause hes killing me in my games” nonsense.