Just admit you can't aim

I can’t aim and i can get value out of Widow and Hanzo.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well okay yeah, sorry for my sharp answer.

People don’t complain about ashe because it’s very hard to get value with her the higher you go in rating. I wonder if it correlates with everyone on the forums maining tank and support

Okay. I can’t aim.
Still dont understand why Widow is my 3rd most played hero.

I cant even aim with reaper. 9% aim accuracy average.

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As sad as it is, you should probably remove the /s

Play dps in other modes not comp.

I mean, Widow/Hanzo as a sniper has very generous margins of error since they have little downsides compared to other games.

Frankly, Widow designs is one that should constantly have nerf to raise her skill floor to justify her extreme power and as well as truly being the one hero that’s really difficult to get value unless you’re good and maintain that skill. To cut the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

Like, for example, if the majority of the people in diamond are getting an average headshot of above 40+% in every game. Then Blizz should go, 'Alright, more people are getting better at using her, it’s time to raise the bar slightly so that it goes down to 35% or so.) by tweaking either her ammo, charged shots, mobility, or even headshot modifier.

That’s how I feel snipers should be balanced in OW, as it is, Widow and Hanzo once you clear their skill floor (Which while high, isn’t that high as everyone likes to think.) gets you far too much reward that the only way you can fight against them is to either change your comp entirely or mirror match.


Widow is literally shoting doomfists With rocket punch full charged every second in the other side of the map, withouth counters( since master widow counter dive).

In the other Hand, Ashe,Mcree and sometimes Soldier are balanced.

You do need aim for Ball though. Also, some techniques/rollouts have a significant execution barrier (which very much counts as mechanical skill, just look at fighters).

Also, nice alt, SlayerAdam


I may not be a Grandmaster Widow in terms of aim but that doesn’t give the Widow the right to basically invalidate my ability to play the game because they’re good at clicking heads.

Playing against a good widow is extremely boring, literally just cowering behind tanks and shields and then when the widow dies I can actually play the game again.


This explains why OP is full of idiotic, biased hypocrisy


Dont insult potatos pls, what have they done to you? >:(


She should be in OW but as you said without 1 shotkill mechanics

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I used to have decent aim, but then I took an arrow to my gaming PC.

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I’ll say it thusly:

I was playing Moira earlier and a teammate inquired if I ever played Ana. I said if they wanted me to heal them, they didn’t want me playing Ana.

I can’t aim.

Hot take: At least 50% of the genji 1-tricks can’t aim, so they use evasiveness and easy-to-aim mechanics on this hero to compensate.

Note: 1-tricks only, altho switching to doom doesn’t help their case.

Players couldn’t aim to defeat a close range auto lock no survivability Symmetra before the rework. I guess that means players need a hero to be nerf down to their standards in order to aim? I don’t know, but seems to be Overwatch’s flow.

I don’t understand what you trying to say! :open_mouth:

But I will readily admit I can’t aim!
I am wondering how long it will take the match maker to drop me to Bronze… still silver (DPS) ATM…
Maybe not standing in the middle of he road is all it take to stay silver with no aim while playing DPS?! :open_mouth:

Ashes gun doesn’t need to be worse at all. It only does 85 per body shot. The only thing that makes it better than a ana rifle shot is 15 more dps for a dps not a support & of course it is a heavy round rifle so she can headshot.