Just admit you can't aim

If you’re not a t500 widow you should delete this thread and feel bad because you also can’t aim.


She’s balanced as a hero. Also practically a worse Widowmaker, only big advantage she has is more area control than Widow but it’s not exactly anything noteworthy when you can just pop heads as Widow in the first place.

And to OP: People don’t look down on mechanical hero mains for playing those heroes, people look down on them for picking aim based heroes and acting all high and mighty meanwhile you find one in game and they play like absolute potatoes.


What do you mean “more fun to play against” its not “fun” to play against anyone its “fun” to kill them. So basically you’re saying ashe is more “fun” to play against because she is easier to kill than hanzo and to a lesser extent widow?? I reckon you think soldier and sym are really “fun” to play against.

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Because there are few who will deal with her kit. Her reload duration is often frustrating, some aren’t fond of her scope design, and Bob is just Bob. He tries to do something.

Just by this I can see that you have no willingness to be just slightly open minded.

If you wan to talk. about sniper weakness find a call of duty where theres a sniper you have to charge up before being able to one shot only by headshots, and body shots takes off a little more than half health.

I’m sure thats a valid way to think of things, if you’re not one of the best than don’t voice your opinion. What exactly are you top 500 at? Nothing? So your input shouldn’t matter?

Its not just her being more reasonable to kill, it’s also about the counterplay options. Hanzo and Ashe can both get significant damage behind shields, even enough to confirm a kill. But Hanzo breaks the shield while Ashe tosses a stick of dynamite.

The dynamite has more interesting counterplay options, because in addition to using hard cover, you can move past it, heal through it, etc.

The wider variety of counterplay option, even if they are less effective (and they are, Ashe has a better winrate than either Hanzo or Widow while also having a high pickrate), makes it more interesting to go against her than those two and therefore more fun.



Cod one game where all the enemys have weapons that can destroy snipers. One game where the sniper is not behind 5 allieds… one game with less high ground spots…

One game where snipers dont have storm arrows!

Really you cant see the diference?


Game is about more than just aim, aiming good doesn’t entitle you to win.

I admit I can’t aim.

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Never said it did, just because you have some game sense with mercy doesnt entitle you to a win. Just because you can aim doesn’t entitle you to a win. Its really about a team with a balance of all three and communication with a team that determines winners of matches.

I can see the difference crystal clear. But can you genuinely tell me that you haven’t been destroyed by a sniper who was sitting in one spot in cod? And how may times did he have to charge up his shots, and how many times did he shoot you in the upper chest and you weren’t one shot, and how many times did he plant claymores to one shot you if you wanted to flank?

snipers in cod were basically shotguns. Don’t know about now, I stop playing back in BO2. they were so busted lol


Widow has more utility than Ashe. Her abilities are damage, damage/mobility/knockback, and damage/knock-up. Widow’s abilities are mobility, damage/flanker-alert/individual-wallhacks, and teamwide-wallhacks. That’s utility.


Mechanical skill being needed in a kit doesn’t make it automatically balanced or good for a game. I am not opposed to snipers per se or mechanically focused kits, but they are not beyond question for being so.


Imagine complaining about snipers in a game filled of anti-sniper stuff all around.

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This is good philosophy. Its basically what im trying to get at.

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If sniper is viable (because of no heavy sustain) than at least one sniper will be meta.

Every 8th shot is a critical hit from a top tier Widow (source: individual stats of the top tier Widow)
Around 7 out of 26 are solo kills

Ashe on the other hand has only 2 solokills
That is pretty strong

I don’t mind aim intensive heroes, but in a game with asymmetric design their needs to be a way to compete on an even level with a sniper

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Never said it did. But the amount of people claiming that aiming entitles them to win is staggering.


I don’t think folks generally look down on people for being mechanically talented and playing aim-intensive heroes, but I do think folks look down on people who try to justify mechanical aim as the end-all-be-all definition of skill in the game and use it to justify heroes being extremely broken


And at the same time those people look down on those that can’t aim. If anything they are getting their just desserts.


Widow shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. One-hit mechanics are what destroy the gaming experience in OW.