Just admit you can't aim

Just because someone is talented in mechanical aim doesn’t mean they should be be looked down on for playing mechanically aim-based heroes such as: Hanzo, Widow, Ashe. You might be talented in game sense so for that reason you play: Rein, Winston, Ball, etc. Or you might be better at avoiding tunnel vision so you play literally any healer.

You don’t need to dump your complaints about sniper heroes just because someone is better (at aiming) than you, just because a hero is meta doesn’t mean they all of a sudden take no skill anymore.

Thanks : )


But Overwatch is a moba and aim shouldn’t matter!



Ashe needs to aim and she is balanced
Widow needs to aim and she is not balanced.
By your logic why should the widow player be more op than the ashe player?
Widow needs a nerf
Hanzo needs a nerf


Thank you for practicing aim heroes. There’s lots of games with snipers, but you chose this one.

Personally, I’m into nades, shotguns, and melee


I can’t aim


Honesty, I feel like people forget they are playing a first person shooter.

Nope, ashe has more utility. Widows gun should be better for her lack of utility. Ashes gun should be slightly worse but Ashe has better utility.


I don’t see many people complain about ashe, I wonder why


Ashe is actually kinda bad. She’s not at Symmetra tier but she’s not great either.


i personally love ashes kit and the amount of different features in it. widows kit is just a solid stand and shoot, or a solid grapple and shoot. hanzo has some stuff in his kit that is ehh… but it’s a very forgiving kit. there’s not much i know about hanzo counters



I can’t heal through stupid ~WildPants


Probably because not many people play ashe so they haven’t seen her potential to decimate teams. Not supporting widow’s or hanzo’s ability to do so, but people complain about widow and hanzo more solely because they see them often


So, your mighty good advice is - “If at first you don’t succeed, don’t bother at all”??

Bad advice. People, I assure you, against all odds, you CAN succeed.

No no no, what im trying to get to is that you may be better at something that isn’t aim based so you don’t play aim based heroes, you can still get better at aiming, but you just might have different strong points


I always think that widow is the ultra aim fps enthusiast hero where ashe is more of a fun fps enthusiast hero. I mean look at there kits and you can see the difference.

High damage high aim precision (well OW precision anyway) shots
Grapple hook to get to sniper perches
Poison trap for early alert and small damage
Ult that shows position of everyone on the map to your team.

Moderate damage aimed shot
Shotgun that performs a knock back
Dynamite (that actually looks like it would say acme on it)
An ult that summons a giant robot butler that is an aim bot.

See what I mean the aesthetics are angled more at different people. Unfortunately this is a by product of Blizzard not knowing if they want a casual or competitive crowd playing the game as its core.


I can’t aim and have been playing mainly Mercy since I picked up the game. Playing Mercy, I have no chance to improve my aim since she doesn’t need it.

So how does that work out then? I’d get flamed for being a bad dps whenever I try to play one but if I don’t play dps, how am I supposed to “get better at aiming”?

There’s not much you can nerf on Widow.

If she were so op and must pick then Moira, Mei, Reaper, and Doomfist crying wouldn’t exist.

Cause they can’t do a damn thing against her. But I would assume from the amount of complaints that these players can’t or won’t flex to sniper. Or have bad widow or DPS that can’t range dmg those heroes.

Im sure there are other ways outside of overwatch to improve your aim. There are other games. You can also make an alt account if you so desire, but personally I find Rainbow Six to be the best place to learn raw mechanical aim

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Ashe is a lot more fun to play against than Widow and Hanzo, and as a console user she is MORE likely to win and MORE likely to one shot me from a distance than either of those heroes.

So why is it more fun to play against Ashe than Widow? She’s much more reasonable to flank, for one. She isn’t shredding my tanks shields like Hanzo can either. She has periods of vulnerability too, that give me more variety in my counterplay. And because of those limitations, she locks down less of the map too. So I have more freedom of movement.

I would personally nerf Ashe’s dynamite a tad if I had my way, but she’s way more fun to play against than Hanzo or Widow.

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Ashe is the best dps in the game on PSN. More PC users would get more out of her too if Widow and Hanzo were nerfed. She’s simply outclassed.

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The game should be balanced. And one hero with massive damage on primary weapon, with one shots and no dmg fallout like snipers, should have snipers weaknesss.

Like bad movement , longer reload time, bad self defense on close range, low ammom…

And this is not the case of ow. Also on ow the problem is bigger, because on other games, all you team have weapons to hit/kill snipers, but on ow if you have lucky maybe 1 or 2 members of you team can go to enemy backline and try to kill those snipers…

But what happen when those snipers almost dont have any sniper weakness??

Forum Moderator Note: Slightly inappropriate comment removed.