Jury is in: JQ is too small


I mean, that’s the point though. If d.VA was Tracer sized, there would be some serious issues with trying to kill her. JQ being smaller than Bastion is kind of an issue.

Right, but that’s balanced out by a lower health pool, and no armor.

But people keep acting like it’s somehow a good thing to be easier to shoot in a shooter game.

It isn’t, but that’s the nature of picking a high durability, high threat role. JQ is more durable than Bastion, does more effective damage than Bastion (in terms of securing kills), and is smaller than the beep boop murder bot, while having more HP.

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Incidentally, my theory on Bastion and Sombra design, it’s that they both provide low-ELO/mid-ELO Pharah counters.

You’re not wrong, but Bastion is still hamstrung by how large he is in recon mode, especially now that he can’t self-heal.

Well one “fix” they could do for that. Convert all of Bastions healthbar to armor, but give him the same equivalent health.

Which would lower his Ult charge feeding, and effectively make him 30% easier to heal.

It’s just the Tank archetype in video games.
No one’s gonna think a literal hobbit to be tanking anything.

  1. Gnomes can be Tanks in WoW, which are half the size of Dwarves.
  2. Yeah, it’s nothing more than aesthetics
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As hellosen was saying, there’s more to the size than just for looks. Besides being obvious, they also have a big hitbox to naturally absorb more damage and be in the way of damaging smaller targets. The other tanks usually are designed to be huge are clearly identifiable from a distance that they control that area.

As a side note, it does make me wonder if Blizzard scrapped the philosophy of making the tanks massive or as obvious because they were running out of ideas for massive characters in general.

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A surprising number of times that I see her in the footage I’ve seen: I manage to confuse her for Moira for some reason. It’s really not clear where or who she is at a glance sometimes.

Yeah Junker queen is tall, taller than Zarya but very skinny compared to all the tanks and some dps too

I don’t think it’s her size, but her silhouette. I keep mistaking for McCree and Ashe, constantly.

I don’t think it is a problem. JQ is not meant to look huge as hell. She is not a bodybuilder like Zarya or anything.

Like shown in her video, what made her so dangerous is her ability at fighting with multiples close range weapon.

What make her tanky is that she is oppressive and always will be on the front line, so if she is not big, she will be on the front line, if not directly in your face, or she will be useless.

I mean she only has 425 hp and no armor

Y’all just want them to make her more muscular to feed your disgusting dommy-mommy fantasies. Y’all make me sick!


Then we can stack hats. Make her even easier to be seen.

For an MMO sure, but don’t expect Torb to tank anything especially in an fps.

You are not alone. I often be like “Oh someone is using Ashe?!” only to see a shotty in my face.

Quoted for emphasis!

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