Jury is in: JQ is too small

I think it would be harder than a big tank, but possible. Such as the Mei suggestions. I think being a shield tank would make it easier, and with creative damage mitigation abilities. Much like JQ, they’d have to have a smaller health pool than a big tank.

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A hatconomy, if you will.

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Tanks have to be big enough to tank damage, but that doesn’t mean they have to be enormous. JQ being the smallest tank could make her more unique as long as she isn’t Tracer sized.

I think the damage mitigating could be done via shield (or maybe abilities like kinetic grasp) rather than body. Zarya is kind of already like this. She really doesn’t do as much body blocking use as the beefy boys.

And because they don’t soak damage with their face, they can have a smaller health pool, which would make them not so hard to kill despite being small.

Does she really need to be big? Not necessarily.

However the issue is that her silouhette doesnt stick out as much as it should.
Rein? Easy to tell thats a tank.
Dva? Hammond? Easy.
Even Zarya with her huge cannon.

However in our group people constantly think theyre charging a Sojourn, or an Ashe.

Her hair isnt actually that easy to spot with the red outline.


She still does some body blocking though, and it’d be annoying to have a tank small enough to weave past bullets, but strong enough to use DMs to erase bullets or stuff like that. I think that’d be better suited for a support who can set up generators or something to erase the enemy’s fire power. So, like how you have supports that are like Damage heroes, you’d have supports that are like tanks. Brig is pretty much this already and look at how small she is.

Yeah, not sure why they wouldn’t just be a support at that point.

Can’t that just be a perk for JQ? You think you’re rushing down a weaker target, but you aren’t.

And as I said even if you remove her blink her tiny size alone would make her an insane hero to face with higher HP and armor. It’s why nearly all the forms of bonus HP in the game have been nerfed, because Tracer was too strong even with just a 75hp armor pack.

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I think the problems are 2:

  • she is certainly very tall, but she leans forward to walk. many don’t know it but even Junkrat is very tall if it weren’t for the fact that he is always with a hunched back. the fact that Junkerqueen does it too suddenly feels smaller.
  • the way he holds the rifle … makes her too confused with Ashe.

Yeah she is hard to distinguish as the tank sometimes unless she’s right in front of you. They don’t necessarily have to make her bigger but they need to add something like a brighter color mohawk. anything that makes her easier to pick out


I did find Queen to look a bit small.

But the only issue that caused me from that is that she easily blends in with other heroes, making me think that she is Moira or some Damage hero.

Other than that, landing shots on her wasn’t too difficult for me.
Because she has no armor & she’s not always self healing, the amount of opportunity to kill her feels balanced.

Because right now as an enemy tank, if she doesn’t throw her knife or does Shout, she is more stealthy in plain sight than a Sombra being invisible.

from the looks of it JQ is taller than Zarya so height isnt the issue. its the muted color scheme and indistinguishable frame that makes her blend in.
Its a real issue too because ive never had this problem with any other hero or atleast never felt this way. Maybe its because its a tank and picking up a tanks position is vital

Honestly, if JQ got focused as much as normal tanks, she’d be playing respawn simulator. She’s ridiculously squishy already.

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Yes because her 7’ height is not enough… I would like to see her be a bit thicc but that would conflict with the cinematic.

I believe I either played with or against you yesterday on a different account, your name is familiar.

Me and a friend said the same! We keep confusing her for Ashe. They should really make her larger, even if it means increasing her HP a bit

Possibly. The amount of people in the beta is quite small and I feel like I’m running into the same people again and again.

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I see what you did here :laughing:
I had my share in the hat economy as well :tophat:

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Bastion sad boops (300 HP, larger than Zarya or JQ)

This is genius, people will freak out and love this.

How has no developer ever thought thought of this.


I never understood why people thought hero size had anything to do with Tanking in Overwatch.

Aggro doesn’t exist. Bodyblocking is of little to no gameplay value.

If anything, the only reason for a larger hitbox is as a penalty for a larger healthpool. Not a benefit.

You know that Tanking bottomlines to in Overwatch?

  1. Stand on objectives really well
  2. Give your team a positioning advantage