đź’Ą [Junkrat] Nerfs are fine, but Grenade radius

Nerfs are fine, I’m okay with it.

But can we get a partial rollback on the grenade launcher trigger radius?

  • Before Grenade Bounce: 0.3m grenade trigger radius
  • After Grenade Bounce: 0.2m grenade trigger radius

If the goal is to make it so Junkrat’s “aim more” and “spam less”, then this would be the most direct way to do it.

As is, directly fired grenades are often clipping through the enemy character model, because the radius is so small.


If this happened, Junk would be in a perfect place.


He needs something now more than any time before. I’m okay with the ult charge nerf, and I’m positive other Junkrat mains are as well. It’s the nerf we’ve been begging for along with other players.

But he’s only getting a 10 damage increase now, along with these nerfs. Even a .5 radius buff so it’s at .25 rather than the .2 it’s at now would be huge. He did need that ult nerf, but not along with the projectile nerf.

He just needs something.


My issue with Junk is not damage. But damage inconsistency.


Increasing the grenade radius isn’t going to stop spam, because you can do the same spam you do now, but simply with more success.

However, couple it with something like a reduction in how much the grenades roll around and boucne off walls so that they actually end up going where he’s aiming instead of killing people by accident, then increasing the grenade radius back to .3 makes much more sense, because he wont actually be able to spam. He would actually be used for his intended purpose of area denial while also encouraging accuracy.

That just sounds like a nerf, especially since there’s a legitimate reason for “supressing fire” from grenades to zone off an area.

If you take that away, he’d just be a less useful version of Pharah.


I didn’t say removing the bounce/roll, I said reduce it. Increasing the size of his projectile doesn’t make him less spammy. It will definitely help his consistency at a high level, but it also just makes his spam (for the people who do it) more effective.

If the goal is to make him better/more consistent without being more spammy then you need to find a way to address that as well.

Even reducing it from 3 to 2 bounces would dramatically reduce the zoning potential for Junkrat.

just make his grenades do less direct damage after each bounce and increase his projectile radius again.

50 direct w/ 0 bounce
25 direct w/ 1 bounce
10 direct w/ 2 bounce
and 0 direct after the third bounce cause that’s when it explodes normally i think.

Something like this would make spam about as useful as it is currently, but then incentivize aiming while actually making his grenades possible to land with good aim.

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Sorry perhaps I wasn’t clear in my original reply - my fault. I’m not saying you should remove numbers of bounces. Just that the friction of bouncing and rolling should be increased so that things don’t randomly wander rediculously far away from where the intended target was. You’d still be perfectly capable of lobbing grenades around corners, but you’d simply be reducing the randomness of where they actually end up.

Well, assuming they did that, I’d say to increase the radius back to 0.3m radius, regardless of bounces.

That was my suggestion :wink:

Well regardless, I think my idea alters the gameplay style of the Junkrat player the least.

Rather than asking Junkrat players to relearn a whole new set of bounce physics.

Well sometimes you have to make sacrifices to fix certain game mechanics. If something is fundamentally broken (e.g. “Junkrat is too spammy”) then sometimes addressing the issue requires players to relearn mechanics.

But tbh I don’t think it’d be a big deal. Other heroes have been reworked to require steep learning curves - everything from “tweaking projectile speeds” to “you’re playing a completely new hero now.”

broken :smiley:
you mean.
Freedo made a long video about it, they think that the current BUFF btw not nerf, is actually too much! And i kinda agree.

He got bufffs…

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He did, but they nerfed that down today.


oh, thanks god. cause this was insane.

Perfectly balanced as all things should be

no. no more OP junkrat. keep him the way he is. remember season 6?

yeah and Hanzo spammers ain’t gonna climb with spam alone either, even if his accidental kills happen more often because he can one shot. Let’s ignore this and just repeatedly walk into the main choke over and over in a predictable manner.