Junkrat nerfed - the buffs arent enough and ignore his main issue

Stop confusing floors with ceilings. Junkrat’s ceiling is higher than widowmaker’s.

You don’t seem to understand what “skill” actually is.


Wow they made it 130 instead of 140.
What an amazing difference that can make /s

In all honesty, I am glad they at least did some changes to tire ult charge to correlate with the damage change. As well that Junkrat is getting buffed, but they should’ve changed grenade size

One of the most blatant over-exaggerations ever. Who knew one Japanese Cyborg Ninja having both his arms extended out was the equivalent to two Army-Class Mekkas.

It’s really not big for a 50 damage ability.

Regardless, this thread is about Junkrat, so in an effort to not derail the thread, as Reaper would say…

Moving on.

If only they had increased his ult charge after 2nd mine buff in the first place. He wouldn’t have been as bad but still a touch op back then, and we wouldn’t have the overnerfed mess we have now

Actually, I’ve done the math and the 10% ult nerf will only serve to keep his ult charge in line with his new damage. 13 direct hits @120, and now 13 direct hits @130.

The 140 damage 'nade actually reduced the number of direct hits he needed for an ult from 13 to 11 without a change to his ult requirement. So it’s a nerf I actually agree with.

I just don’t think +10 direct hit damage is going to be enough.


Let me show you the way:

Primary fire back to 0.3. ult charge nerfed further to 2000-2100ish. Come on blizz we’ve been telling you this for months

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So… If they nerfed damage from 140 to 130 already, additional ult charge nerf feels excessive. It would’ve been smart if they kept the buff at 140.

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I think that nerf was mostly to deal with all the damage thresholds he could now break. Nanoboosted 140 means he can one shot squishies, 130 makes it so it’s just under that mark.

he’s practically a more forgiving hanzo. lower damage because he has a turret to do part of the work for him. that’s why he should never be better than hanzo.

that is practically throwing, and no good pharah will make it possible. junkrat is not doing his job if he is focusing on the pharah…

what? symm has AI turrets… and zarya does not… ? and yes, zarya is pretty easy in the grand scheme of heroes too.

good meme

everything you described about genji would be done by a junkrat far easier when played by a bad player.


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Personally, I’m fine with it because I hate getting one-shotted. Just in general. It’s why I complain about snipers not named Ashe.

I also think this is as far as they can buff him in this direction, and I don’t think it’s going to be enough in the long run to make him not garbage. They’re going to need to buff some of his other abilities.

Honestly reverting hitbox while keeping 120 would be better – only in that case 10 % ult charge nerf would’ve been justified.

If they increase to 130, there’s no point to increase ult charge rate. Cuz with current hitboxes, you have to rely on the tire since it’s the only part of Junkrat’s kit which is consistent. And this ult is getting indirect nerf via Soldier’s visor.

Ult charge nerf with 140 damage would’ve been just, but 130 hardly makes a difference to reduce ult charge.

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I personally don’t play Junkrat myself, so I can’t really give good advice on what he really needs.

Though I have heard suggestions and such on threads like these, perhaps the proposed 0.3 projectile size with a 0.2 size after it bounces could work.

IMO that’s difficult to explain to players, and Blizzard takes hidden mechanics very seriously, but I get where you’re coming from.

You rationalizing why the logic of why it’s big doesn’t change the fact that it’s still big.
I wasn’t complaining that it was big or saying it makes no sense, I just stated that it’s huge and doesn’t require much precision, so it’d be easy for a bronze player to use it

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It’s not really that big, it isn’t small, but it isn’t huge either, it’s a perfect hitbox for a 50 damage ability.

Regardless, seeing as there’s really no reason to start an argument, and the fact that this is a Junkrat thread so to argue about any other hero is pretty much derailment, let’s forget about it and just leave it here.

Something like that would be ideal for me, I don’t want Junkrat to be any easier, especially at my rank.

I mean the accuracy of your projectile with Junkrat pretty much doesn’t matter once it bounces, since at that point it isn’t really in your control, but I can see what you mean.

It would cause a few new Junk players to look at it and go “What the…?”

Your suggestions must be sane and balanced first.

Wait wait wait… so the devs actually listen! I never I would see this day, now all we need is junkrat got his old projectiles back.