Junkrat needs to be nerfed

Here’s the stat I got from Blizz thmself.

He drops off at plat and the middle.

If people can learn not to stand in front of bastion, widow, deny the high ground of Soldier 76, and shoot torb turret. Consider me quite unlikely to sympathize as Junkrat when lives to punish the enemy players basic mistake.

Mercy pre-nerf was legit OP when she DOMINATED almost every category, including every game of Overwatch.

Junkrat at his strongest was still only top 5 among the dps, only shadowed by soldier/mcree/Genji/Tracer who had a far greater pick rate than him. He’s hardly OP, if anything, he should be the standard of how a hero should be balanced.

He has strength, good in his niche in denying area but still has both hard and soft counters, yet rewarding enough when polished.