Junkrat is turning OWL into a joke

How does one kill that which has no life?

How does one turn a joke into a joke?


Going through a chokepoint ,for example hanamura A , is one.

And don’t say ‘‘you can go in one by one’’ because that should be a guaranteed lost push ,Since you’ll be easier to focus down that way.

Pick a pharah and kill him or any of his counters. He has a lot.


This isn’t about how op junkrat himself is ,we’re talking about riptire.

I used the mine thing as a point to how easily he builds ult.

Also ,it’s not always that easy ,for example pharah gets played into hitscans a lot in the OWL ,the hitscans don’t just cease her existance.

Probably main reason Junkrat is hated is how effective he is at area denial. He can spam 2-3 paths at the same time with his grenades, which can bounce off walls to land indirect hits, without giving target a chance to shoot him.

He isn’t OP, but can be really annoying to face, if he avoids open areas.

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The problem is that for every successful riptire, there’s also tons of others that got shot or couldn’t get value out of it.

Just in the OWL, we see riptires also failing equally, if not more, to get value from. If you’re talking about ult building, then while mine allows him to build ult, so does his primary grenade.

At the same time, if he doesn’t finish a target, guess what? The enemy ults are ready to go due to how much damage he’s dishing out. It can almost be confirmed that when a Junkrat has an ult, one of the enemy supports are almost certain to have it as well.

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And this is a biased opinion anyways. You obviously don’t like Junkrat. I find watching Tracer and Genji going all over the place far more of a joke then junk ever could.

Thing is ,he can ignore (sound barrier) or counter every single support ult minus transcendence ,or even kill them before they have the chance to cast it ,and it’s hard to counter, unlike say , deadeye.

Doesn’t this apply to every single DPS ,too ?

Though I agree that with every successful rip-tire there’s probably a failed one ,but this can also be applied to basically every single ult.

Junkrat gets way too much flak because his kit looks spammy. Nobody believes any of his kills are intentional. But if you watch good junkrats you’ll see that they know EXACTLY where to aim to mark part of a map as a death zone. As cleo says he’s area denial. There’s no point trying to dodge his attacks, you just need to go another route or end him. With his landmines now though, he is EVERYWHERE.


Ult supports can also be used to push or crush your team in the process. In addition, it gives a moment of mitigation(If we’re just talking about Lucio and Zen.) as people can take more risk and actually engage, maybe even actually shoot or pressure Junkrat.

The riptire is also a 100 hp, if everyone just maybe contribute one bullet or so, it’ll explode quickly.

If they can’t do that at least, then scatter to the wind and hide. You don’t stand in front of Mcree or around D.va bomb sight, scatter and don’t stick closely when you hear Junkrat ult. That may prevents more unnecessary death.

Junkrat kill confirm potential is very low beyond close range, unlike hitscans or even Genji, who all can kill confirm very easily and consistently.

A change of pace? Nice. :sunglasses:

Lucio ? sure, Zen ? all he can do is protect himself.

That’s the hard part and can be applied to every other ult (most of which are much easier to hit)

except in those cases ,that reduces kill count to 0 , also has other counters like barriers.

Yeah, outside of ult it really is.

THIS. Jesus, THIS. The tire is already lit. When people run from it they break formation AND get killed. But if its aimed at zen and he misses a single shot he’s dead. And it is always aimed at zen. Everyone else runs. Much like D.Va bomb, I just emote hello in retaliation.


Zen ult can actually protect people barring Junkrat driving the riptire literally into melee range(That distance might be more generous if its a 200 hp.) but tanks can actually have a chance to attack the riptire.

Genji is a 200 hp hero that still retains his deflect and slash, while able to slash a 120 damage and snowball massively. Forgive me If I feel that compared to riptire, its much easier to deal with compared to Genji.

Killing riptire reduces kill count to zero, has counters like zarya barriers, and able to be avoided if the Junkrat can’t find you.

Riptire is not some impossible ult to counter, if anything, the fact that the OWL players are able to consistently foil tire shows its very possible.

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More unskilled elitist wanting nerfs to heroes that have a specific type of skill they refuse to acknowledge. Lots of luck on this hero, no doubt, but also a lot of it calculated.

His ult just charges insanely fast if he goes uncontested. Adjust his ult charge and he’s fine. Everything else is low skilled players mad they got clipped by an orange bouncing ball or a riptire falling from the sky.

What’s next? Nerf scatter ar…ooh riiiight…


Yeah I remember a time where you’d hardly see a junkrat even press Q, it was like a bastion ult; just marking you for death when you were doing fine in a position while killing everything.

Dragonblade has its fair share of counters ,including ‘‘just shooting it’’ (which is one of the only two rip-tire counters) , zarya bubbles (removes two swings/2 seconds of ult ,considering you most likely already used dash to get to that target) , literally any sort of knockback after using the dash , vulnerable to CCs (since you have to get in close range) , Tac visor if soldier isn’t the first target ,transcendence and sound barrier.

That’s off of the top of my head ,too.

That’s the point though ,it insta-kills ,not giving zen the chance to save anyone (besides tanks ,who don’t exactly have an easy time killing it either.)

One specific hero in one specific situation having a specific ability on cooldown isn’t enough of a counter honestly.

It’s not impossible ,It’s just much harder to counter and has fewer counters ,I doubt it can be CONSISTENTLY countered by owl players ,let alone any ladder player including GMs

Agreed, all he needs is his ult charge nerfed.

Though to be fair it’s being removed in favour of making hanzo more viable and skillful, but I’ll miss scatter ,hopefully we get it as a custom game option at the very least.


shouldn’t matter if he is there or not. he’s one of the heroes that blizzard created so i don’t know why people think only certain heroes are apart of the OWL cool kids club.



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