Junkrat is turning OWL into a joke

Only his mines and the speed of the riptire got nerfed. He’s always had grenades and the one mine (which now does less damage if not thrown right.)

Heaven forbid a hero be viable, right?

I am almost certain this community isn’t happen when any hero kills them.

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If the enemy Junkrat is pulling off 5-6 riptires in one round then it speaks volumes about how your whole team, including you, is reacting to enemy damage.

Considering your Overwatch profile, during current season, you died 15 times with your main hero Lucio in 13 minutes.

I REALLY don’t know how did you manage to do that.


Spam posts asking for a balanced hero to be nerfed and tilts when people with different opinion replies.


And still Junkrat get less tire kills per game than Soldier get visor kills.

Did you forget we can look at your profile? 103 hours compared to 37 hours… looks like you’re a junkrat main. IF you’ve recently switched to sombra, that’s cool but don’t try and pretend like you don’t have some bias.

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If an enemy Junkrat is getting multiple Riptires in a game, it’s not the Junkrat, it’s the team he’s against. His literal job is the spam corridors and yes people are going to run to not get hit by grenades because they are trying to not charge him (pros included). I do think his Ultimate should have a slower charge to it but honestly he’s pretty balanced right now. He doesn’t have a meta built around him, he is easily dealt with by ranged characters and has a few hard counters, and he’s not at the top in choices for every tier meaning he is seeing play but isn’t dominating.

I know people hate when opinions disagree, you are welcome to agree with me but that’s just mine is all.


sombra takes skill, and if you look at their profile you’ll see they have almost 70 more hours on junkrat than they do on sombra.

Another thing that should be brought up is unlike other heroes Junkrat’s grenades already fired from the launcher do NOT disappear after he is eliminated.

I get the Martyrdom nades not going anywhere but the launcher nades? Geez.

Rip tires I can charge within less then a min like everyone and when the enemy gets it KA-BOOM! TEAM WIPE!! Or half a team wipe.

Tank main here. Junkrat is fine.


I would say only thing it needs is a duration on it’s length. People going gran turismo with it for the full 10 seconds does get silly. Lower the duration a few seconds and it fixes it on the lower end and changes nothing on the high end.

High end players destroy the tire when they go gran turismo with it.

Low end junkrats wont be able to just wait out lucios sound barrier and you fix the problem… Lower it to like 8 seconds and it will fix a lot of the problems.

I find it so funny that Junkrat mains are always just “Dodge the bombs it’s not that hard” “You should have the skill and game sense to stay out of the range of the mines” even though the bombs and mines take no actual skill or game sense to use in the first place… what kind of double standard. Keep holding m1 at the enemy team though.


Then it should be a piece of cake for you to reach GM by playing Junkrat, right? Watch how a bad Junkrat player (like me) plays, then watch a skillful player. It’s night and day, yet people keep insisting that using his bombs and mines “takes no skill” and all you need to do is fire at random.


Considering his Overwatch profile, I think his comment was sarcasm (Moira, Mercy and Symmetra are part of his top 5 heroes in comp atm).

Actually, I don’t mind his ultimate…
But his random bombs while playing Tracer is… like a Russian Roulette.

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His ult is really way too easy to get a kill off. If you compere it to other dps ults it really charges much faster and is much deadlier

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TBH giving him 2 mines was unneccessary.


A lot of times something that I’ve run into while debating someone on whether or not a particular hero is unbalanced, especially if the hero in question is powerful in that unbalance; is people pointing out the math of the hero without consideration as to how that pragmatically lays out in gameplay. For instance, Junkrat’s tire isn’t particularly more powerful in damage (except for the lack of any damage drop off) than other explosion type ultimate’s, however, the very high mobility and 10 second timer (for reference reaper’s only last 3 and genji’s 6) make it very devastating. With ultimates that have a very similar amount of ground control as Junk’s, e.g. reaper, d.va, pharah, etc; you have to commit to putting your ult in a particular place and most of the time risk death, whereas with junkrat, you have 10 seconds of uninterrupted ground control until you gain an advantageous position to detonate your insta-kill. Also the argument that you can just easily kill his tire doesn’t hold because (unless you’re bastion or tourbjorn) if you’re close enough to destroy it, he’s close enough to kill you with it. The amount of skill it takes to kill a rip-tire is vastly higher than the amount of skill it takes to kill with it. This is the theme of Junkrat’s design that makes it unfun to play against for a lot of people, you have vastly more skilled to kill him than he does to kill you.

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(im sorry i had to)


Yes kinda hilarious when people talk about “skill” when they can’t dodge one of the slowest projectiles in the game.

“Symmetra right click, OP, can’t dodge it!”


QP in attack team (1 min 2 seg) "fire in the hole!"enemy junk…

looks fair?