Junkrat is the worst DPS hero right now

Sombra is semi-dps, she has strong cc paired with weak dd.
McCree, Tracer and Widow are bad? - omegalul
Soldier at least has consistent dps

But can’t defend reaper and bastion though.

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He’s not F tier

And what you are suggesting is a horrible idea
It would change him to much from what he’s suppose to be, and most likely make him even more useless/unreliable than he already is.

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Probably the fairest way is suggested by a GM Junkrat main:

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Personally, there really isn’t much they can do considering that Junkrat is already quite weak, and he’s STILL dominating at the lower tier, there really isn’t a way not to make him weaker unless you rework him completely.

Which honestly, he doesn’t need the rework at all. Just a few tweaks here and there to become an almost balanced and fair hero.


On what tier are you?
If you are a Master or GM, I can understand that you think that Junkrat needs a buff. But on lower tiers (low Diamond and below) he is not bad.
If you say that just because someone strafe, you can’t hit a basic, I don’t think that the problem is on Junk.
He can still erase people with a basic and a mine, and use the second mine to escape or put even more damage.

This is, of course, on lower ranks, where is hard to find someone that can hit shots so consistently as to kill a Junk quickly on a one vs one (before he erases you using the two mines). But, is also where the majority of the playerbase is.

junkrat got overnerfed. The problem is if you buff him to be viable in GM you are pretty much going to go back to junkrats in EVERY gold tier game. Sub 2500 he was basically s tier.

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You mispelled Bastion

They need to revert the nerf to his primary attack! Also take a look at his mine fall off damge and adjust it slightly

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no bastion is pretty bad atm too. definitely worse. sym isnt as great either. JR can still be great for bunker busting and ult charge but it’s niche so I can see why you do that

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And the only reason he is good in lower tiers is because he his built to punish bad game sense and awareness. Both of which are severely lacking in low tiers.
I am not sure that makes him S-tier in gold and lower, but it definitely helps him.

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Yeah man, Sombra is just ridicoulus, I mean look at that 47% WR in Masters! So broken, really

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Honestly, Junkrat is fine in my opinion.

They should just make his LMB slightly bigger. They over nerfed his normal attack hitbox.

have you seen bastion and how garbage hes been? Seasons 1-Every season besides that one week in season 4

bastion needs a full rework as in overhaul of his kit.

If you take his current kit and buff him you just created another sub plat monster. That is what it will take to make him viable in GM

Just. No.

Junkrat is already heavily overtuned and obnoxious as it is. The ONLY thing that’s difficult about him is if someone were actually trying to aim his primary (which you don’t need to much because even if you’re within 6 feet of your target you’ll still do damage). Literally every other part of his kit is already incredibly strong:

2 shot primary
2 instakill combos
Hard CC
Massive burst damage
Impressive map freedom
One of the single strongest ults in the game
-It basically GUARANTEES at least one kill at worst if you don’t get super greedy with and grants a teamwipe within seconds of activation at best

You CAN NOT give Junkrat any more buffs without giving him some MASSIVE nerfs too.

Lol someone with a Doomfist portait saying Junkrat is overtuned.

Junkrat needs a buff, Doomfist needs a nerf.


LOL :+1:

Lol someone with a Junkrat portrait trying to ignore all the facts I pointed out so he could instead make vague statements with no backing to fit his personal agenda of lowering the skill required to play the game even more than the subterranean trip you have to take to find Junkrat’s skillfloor.

In low tiers he’s good.
In high tiers he could probably use a buff.